Short domestic tour - Silver Comet/Chief Ladiga Trail

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Jack Doremus

Jan 25, 2021, 2:03:44 AM1/25/21
to bicycletouring

The Silver Comet/Chief Ladiga trail is a rails-to-trails route that runs from “almost Birmingham, AL” to “almost Atlanta, GA”.  At this particular point in time, it goes 94 miles from Anniston, AL, to Smyrna, GA.  More is being added.  It follows the old route of the Silver Comet train.

For bicycle touring, this trail is a sweet ride.  It is:
  Fully paved
  Limited grade
  Well maintained
  Very limited street riding

On the downside, it is:
    Not very long - 94 miles
    Very popular (crowded) close to Atlanta
    Has not yet figured out how to cater to bicyclists as a tour

SCT copy.JPG
Looking over the handlebars

There are lots of ways to ride it, but first a map:
Comet_Map copy.png
Here’s the link to the page the map came from:  There is lots of good information here.

From Smyrna to Anniston (or the other direction), it can be a good century ride, a moderate two-day ride, or a very easy three-day ride.  There are B&Bs, motels, and camping areas along the route.

Here’s a link to a tour that went out from Smyrna to Esom Hill at the GA/AL state line, and back.
They are spot-on with just about every comment.  This is what I meant by “not yet figured out how to cater to bicyclists.”
These folks did their ride using motels.  There is also decent camping at Piedmont, Cedartown, and near Rockmart to my certain knowledge.

From Esom Hill to Anniston you may find this useful:

In spite of it being so well maintained and groomed that it looks like a daily commute, it runs through some pretty remote areas.  Deer, bobcats, foxes, hawks - I’ve seen them all along the trail within 20 miles of Smyrna, and more frequently further out.  I’ve found it to be absolutely safe for an older guy alone, but if you’re doing the whole route as a tour you should have a buddy.  There is decent AT&T cellphone service everywhere along it that I’ve tried.

East of Dallas there are multiple bike shops, like:, or:  West of Dallas in GA there really isn’t a lot of support close to the trail.  Anniston has:    And while the trail probably could be ridden end-to-end with a road bike, a light tourer would be better.

There are some lovely places to stay.  For example, in Anniston:  But it is also a good trail to try out your camping gear.  There are well spaced facilities that are kept clean.

The real downside for a tour on the Comet is access.  AMTRAK goes from Atlanta to Anniston, but won’t take bikes on or off at Anniston.  Greyhound runs from Atlanta to Anniston, and bikes are $30 (plus $10 if you have to buy a box), but Atlanta’s light rail does not connect the airport with either Greyhound or AMTRAK.  So first you have to get to/from the trailheads. 
So far, no enterprising tour company that I know of has set up a tour and provided transport for bikes, but Comet Trail Cycles (above) supports short rides.

If you’re looking for a domestic trip to get your touring juices flowing, and that won’t dump you off in the weeds, the Silver Comet/Chief Ladiga Trail is a good ride.  Being in the South, it is available in months when northern rides are too cold for comfort.  It is also a ride to get your fully loaded touring bike checked out.  For a “century” it is kind of ideal - limited grade, well maintained, access at either end, and just long enough.

Jan 25, 2021, 4:46:06 AM1/25/21
I love the Chief Ladiga trail. I have gone there to ride on 4 different occasions. I always stay a month and the last time I stayed 2 months. Camping. The Chief Ladiga Campground has wondeful restrooms and showers. It is right on the trail. It backs up to it. It is 7 miles from the Georgia border and Silver Comet trail. The trail started In Weaver when I was there but I never rode that far. West of town there is a sports complex and a sign on the trail . Be sure and go in there. There is a spring that has been there for over 100 years and a plaque that tells the story. Some folks bring bottles and get their water there. You can also see one of the ??frames that held the railroad track up off the ground over the spring. They've been talking about making a campground in the complex ever since I first went there but I don't think they ever did. They did put a swimming pool there though. There is a skate park on the trail in town and that was going to be for RV's but didn't happen. They were also talking about one at the Welcome center but I don't think that ever happened either. You can spend the night camping on the yard there if you want to. They have a shower in the center you can also use. I would love to go back but with a husband I have to care for now I have to stay home all the time and have for over 2 years now. 

If you camp you are 7 miles from town if you are at the Chief Ladiga Campground. A grocery store backs up to the trail in town. Everything is convenient in town. There is a store at the campground but they never opened it or stocked it when I was there. They were also supposed to put in RV hookups but I don't think that happened either. Its pretty much stealth camping. Its a nice place. 

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Jan 26, 2021, 7:31:37 PM1/26/21
to bicycletouring
Thanks to "" for posting this on Sunday. As it happens I relocated to Atlanta a few wekks ago and was intending to ride the Silver Comet for the first time on Sunday as well, but ended up doing yard-work instead. I'll definitely be testing out the Silver Comet in the near future.

"" mentioned, "it is also a good trail to try out your camping gear.  There are well spaced facilities that are kept clean." Can anyone give more details on available camping facilities? In my previous research on the Silver Comet / Chief Ladiga trails I've only found two official camping facilities mentioned. Or are we talking about "stealth camping"? This is of real interest as I'm hoping to ride the entire length of the two trails in the next month or two starting at the eastern trailhead and camping out along the way.

Cheers and safe riding!

-Jack K.
Now in Atlanta!

Jan 27, 2021, 12:51:20 AM1/27/21
As far as I know there are only 2 campgrounds on the trail. One 7 miles from the Ga. border in Piedmont and one in I think Rome. That is not right on the trail like the Chief Ladiga campground is. I have heard it is nice though. You used to be able to camp on the yard at the welcome center in Piedmont. You can also camp at the sports complex but it is scary at night if you are alone. People go there to do things they shouldn't and you never know who will be out there. It is on the creek that the spring feeds into. Fran

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Johnny Johnson

Jan 27, 2021, 2:06:50 AM1/27/21
to bicycletouring
Fran may be right as far as normal campgrounds go. It's been several years since I've ridden the trail. There is though a small camping area between Rockmart and Cedartown near 33°59'46.7"N 85°09'30.9"W . It's called Camp Comet on google maps. No facilities, 5 campsites, barbeque pits and a fire ring. It's just off the south side of the trail up a path with a sign by the trail marking the entrance.


Johnny Johnson
Cleveland,  GA

Jack Doremus

Jan 27, 2021, 2:34:59 AM1/27/21
to bicycletouring

The last time I camped the trail, I went from Anniston to the Chief Ladiga Campground (about 30 miles), then to the Beautiful Rock RV Park and Campground east of Rockmart (about 34 miles), and to the Floyd Rd. trailhead (also about 34 miles).  Beautiful Rock is about a mile off the trail.
I have also stealth-camped at the Coots Lake trailhead, and stayed at Camp Comet west of Rockmart east of Cedartown.  Camp Comet is near mile 46, so halfway between Smyrna and Anniston if you intend to do the whole trail in 2 days.
An interactive map of the Comet side with more granularity:

I would suggest you take a couple of rides before you go off camping, and let the weather get a little better.  April is good, May is better.
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