Lee Legrand <krm...@gmail.com>: Oct 04 10:03AM -0400
Hello All,
Would like to know from those knowledgeable about the above hub, how
serviceable are they? If the hub was to become non-functional because of
wear and tear, although maintenance was
John Eickelberg <john.ei...@gmail.com>: Oct 04 08:34AM -0700
I have experience with alfine 7, 8 and 11. All use a modular gear train
assembly that can be swapped into the housing if the original is worn out.
The 7 and 8 are grease boxes and mine were working
Lee Legrand <krm...@gmail.com>: Oct 04 01:51PM -0400
Thank you for your email. I am glad that it does not require another wheel.
Aware of maintenance but was not sure if the parts could be replaced when
it wears out without the whole wheel being
Peter Bense <text...@gmail.com>: Oct 04 07:58PM +0200
I have a Nexus 8 with needle bearings (what used to be marketed/packaged as
the "red band" premium version.)
Mine is a Shimano Nexus SG-C6011-8V/8R. I do not think this hub is sold or
Lee Legrand <krm...@gmail.com>: Oct 04 03:13PM -0400
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the reply. I was actually eyeing Alfine 8, not 11. I am
interested in a folding bicycle from the UK, Airnimal, for multi-modal
commuting or when I need to drop my car off
Lee Legrand <krm...@gmail.com>: Oct 04 08:10PM -0400
Just looked at the link you gave. Would be nice accept, it is not disc
brake compatible.