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An ISSN resolver to provide linked data for journals

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Rod Page

Jul 9, 2009, 2:43:18 PM7/9/09
to Bibliographic Ontology Specification Group
I've created a simple linked data-compliant service that resolves

A URL of the form (where XXXX-XXXX
is the ISSN) will return what my local database knows about the
journal (basically one or more titles).

If the database doesn't have a match for the ISSN, it returns a HTTP
404 code. If the ISSN is invalid, it returns a 400.

I threw this together this afternoon for my own purposes (I need RDF
for journals), so it's not terribly elegant, but it may be of use. It
uses the Bibliographic Ontology to describe a journal.

The service is here, and an example is



Bruce D'Arcus

Jul 9, 2009, 2:49:08 PM7/9/09


Are you aware of this?



Rod Page

Jul 9, 2009, 3:03:34 PM7/9/09
to Bibliographic Ontology Specification Group
Yes, my database was originally seed in a similar way (CrossRef,
JSTOR, NLM), but grows as I stumble across more obscure journals.
Hence, I suspect my database has broader coverage. It might be useful
to add links from my RDF to the corresponding item in



On Jul 9, 7:49 pm, "Bruce D'Arcus" <> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 2:43 PM, Rod Page<> wrote:
> > I've created a simple linked data-compliant service that resolves
> > ISSNs.
> > A URL of the form XXXX-XXXX
> > is the ISSN) will return what my local database knows about the
> > journal (basically one or more titles).
> > If the database doesn't have a match for the ISSN, it returns a HTTP
> > 404 code. If the ISSN is invalid, it returns a 400.
> > I threw this together this afternoon for my own purposes (I need RDF
> > for journals), so it's not terribly elegant, but it may be of use. It
> > uses the        Bibliographic Ontology to describe a journal.
> > The service is here, and an example is

Chris Clarke

Jul 9, 2009, 6:18:54 PM7/9/09
Hi Rod,

I think periodicals has around 36k journals at present, would be interested to hear how many you have, perhaps we can share sources.

We also add in links to LOC, for example:

which can be also accessed by 

Perhaps the latter is the best to sameas to, we're considering changing the slugging algorithm on the /journal/ namespace as it causes some problems.

You can request the raw RDF/JSON/Turtle

(this can also be done via content negotiation)



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