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Jul 27, 2010, 6:05:24 PM7/27/10
to bibliocello
I have a couple of things on my immediate todos on my list that I plan
to nail n the next day or two:

- create BCCommands called by RESTful api/tests ... move code from
the REST filter into
BCCommand structure so that functions are callable from other
places and to unify the permissions.
I anticipate that all REST API calls and Pier operations should be
funneled through the BCCommands...
- change BCStorage to save mcz files by uuid only

A word on the storage model. my plan is store all mcz files in a
single dictionary by uuid regardless of project. Each repository then
maintains a collection of mcz files "stored in it", but if you remove
an mcz file from a project repository, it remains in BCStorage.

Eventually I expect that a JSON version of a Metacello config will be
passed in (or referred to) for doing analysis which would mean that
we'd be retrieving mcz files from other external repositories to use
for analysis of the config, so I figured that if we've already got the
mcz then we don't need to store another copy...

I also expect to eventually use indexing (GemStone) to provide lookup
of mcz files by name ...

Things that are on the todo list, but aren't being worked on ... if
you'd like to see other things done, etc. feel free to chime in with
your thoughts:

- issue tracking model/integration with Pier
- stats model/collection/viewing
- search/query ... a search widget should be on the main page ...
and we need a search RESTful api
- simple analysis ... we can easily provide a listing of classes and
methods defined in an mcz file
and with a little more work (perhaps using the SHOUT parser), we
can get global refs and senders
... this simple analysis can be used as basis for working out the
search/query api until we get fancier
analysis tools running ...

Well that's my thoughts for now ... if something interests you and you
have the time ... speak up and we can talk about what we want to see
and then get busy:)



Jul 28, 2010, 1:00:37 PM7/28/10
to bibliocello
a couple more todo items:

- HTTP client for bibliocello ... based on WebClient(?) and wraps
the various
commands to make easy to integrate bibliocello tools into a client
- code browser for bibliocello. The fallback position would be the
same old
same old browser, but for a web-based browser, I would like to see
links for
globals and methods, that take me to the class or implementors of
method ... in bibliocello I would expect each class/method to be
the mcz file(s) that it's defined in and possibly the
configurations that
reference the package...

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