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Package listing website

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Francois Stephany

Aug 13, 2010, 4:30:03 PM8/13/10
Hi there,
After reading about Bibliocello, I think it is maybe worth to talk about
a project I have in mind here.

Searching Packages for Pharo/Squeak is quite a frustrating experience
for me. Browsing Squeaksource to find something fitting your need and
working in a given smalltalk dialect is not exactly the thing you want
to do everyday. But you already know that.

A simple website à la ruby toolbox ( could help
people to find libraries that are known to work in their smalltalk dialect.

What I had in mind is a very simple system where people can register a
package, put instructions to load it (hopefully using Metacello). Each
version of the package can be commented. Users of the package could tag
a version as 'working in dialect X version Y'.
Is this too simple to be actually useful ?

I dont know if a website like this should be part of bibliocello. I
anyway plan to do a first proof of concept to grab ideas.

If you have remarks please shout :)


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