Bibledit highlighting question

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Mark Shelby

Mar 25, 2024, 4:38:21 PMMar 25
to Bibledit-General
I have a question about Bibledit's formatting. My question is probably more related to the rules of USFM formatting and I know that is not really the point of or use case for Bibledit, but here goes...

In the pic below it appears in the right pane that the header, "Doxology" is only highlighted when selecting the verse preceding it. It is never highlighted by Bibledit when selecting the verse below it, which is actually the verse I'd prefer the header be selected with.

I assume my USFM code is missing something that would cause the header to be identified with the correct section? 


Teus Benschop

Mar 27, 2024, 1:42:05 PMMar 27
Hello Mark,

The USFM looks correct, it all looks good.

There is a reason why the header "Doxology" is highlighted together with the verse preceding it.

The highlighting is applied to a given verse number.

The editor, in this case, simply highlights everything from the markup "\v 23 " till just before the markup "\v 24". 

And so the "\s3 Doxology" is included in this fragment, because it comes after \v 23 and before \v24.


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