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export style of figure caption

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Samuel Bacon

Sep 3, 2022, 5:55:39 AM9/3/22
to Bibledit-General
Thanks for the great work on Bibledit. Its my main translating software and we are preparing our first print run of the full Bible out of Bibledit. 
Our Bible has images in it using \fig markup. This works ok, but when exported, the caption under the image has the normal paragraph style like the rest of the main body of text. It would be good if it was even somehow marked with a style name like 'fig' or perhaps comes out as a different style, eg bold italics, or something to set it apart from the rest of the text. Is the someting  can change in style settings to achieve this? Or is it not yet built into Bibledit to work with fig caption styles?
I appreciate that the fig function is relatively new.

Oreo Warpok

Sep 3, 2022, 10:14:02 AM9/3/22
You can add and defie styles to your export stylesheet with Settings > Styles.
I have never tried it for things like you mentioned.

Oreo Phil                 479-524-7005

      One King to rule them all, One Son to find them,
      One Blood to cleanse them all, And from the dark unbind them.

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Teus Benschop

Sep 3, 2022, 1:12:11 PM9/3/22
Hello Samuel,

On Sat, 3 Sept 2022 at 11:55, Samuel Bacon <> wrote:
[...] Our Bible has images in it using \fig markup. This works ok, but when exported, the caption under the image has the normal paragraph style like the rest of the main body of text. It would be good if it was even somehow marked with a style name like 'fig' or perhaps comes out as a different style, eg bold italics, or something to set it apart from the rest of the text. Is the someting  can change in style settings to achieve this?

Unfortunately there's no setting in the styles to achieve this.
Currently it would be manual work in LibreOffice, to change the style of each caption.

Or is it not yet built into Bibledit to work with fig caption styles?
I appreciate that the fig function is relatively new.

Yes, it is not built into Bibledit to work with fig caption styles.
If you would like this functionality to be in Bibledit eventually, please open an issue on GitHub.

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