-The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert-

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May 4, 2012, 10:43:29 PM5/4/12
to Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
-The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert-

The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Against the persecution of a tyrant the godly have no remedy but prayer.
- John Calvin

In this week's edition: reports from Kenya, Iran, Sudan, and Nigeria.

1. Grenade attack on church in Kenya kills one
(Source: Compass Direct News)

A grenade explosion on April 29 at a church in Nairobi, Kenya, killed a 27-year-old university student and injured 16 people. Kelvin Walumba was killed after a man pretending to be a fellow worshipper threw three grenades as the service was concluding. Only one of the grenades exploded. A security guard said the assailant, who after running out into the street fired three pistol shots into the air, appeared to be of Somali origin.

Al Shabaab Islamic extremists from Somalia have embarked on a series of assaults in Kenya after the Kenyan military invaded Somali territory last autumn in an attempt to quell extremist attacks.

Church leaders said four members of the church are in critical condition: Leonida Mbogo, Julia Mumbi, Ezekiel Muthini, and Shalom Koronge. Leonida sustained serious injuries to her leg. A Sunday school teacher said one of her students, a boy identified only as Jessy, was receiving hospital treatment for injuries and is in stable condition.

Pray that God will bring comfort and peace to the family and friends of Kelvin. Pray for healing for those injured and all those who witnessed the attack. Pray too for the perpetrator. Pray that the Holy Spirit will convict him and bring him to repentance.


2. One believer released, others remain imprisoned in Iran
(Source: Middle East Concern)

Fariborz Azram, a believer from a Muslim background, was released on April 11 after six months in detention on account of his faith. He was arrested during a raid on his home on October 17, 2011. For most of his time in prison he was denied visitors and little information about his condition was disclosed to his wife and two children. It remains unclear whether he was released unconditionally or whether bail was paid pending formal charges and a court hearing.

Elsewhere, more than 20 believers remain detained across Iran because of their Christian faith or activities. Following a series of raids in February and early March, five believers remain detained in Shiraz, three in Kermanshah, and at least seven in Isfahan. Among others detained are some who have been held for more than a year, including Noorallah Qabitizade, who was arrested in December 2010, and Youcef Nadarkhani who has been detained since October 2009 and remains under a death sentence (for more on Youcef, go to www.persecution.net/ir-2012-01-19.htm). After a year of being held without charge, Farshid Fathi was sentenced in April to six years in prison. Farshid's attorney is reportedly planning to appeal the ruling. Meanwhile, Behnam Irani, who is serving a sentence in Karaj since May 2011, is reported to be in ill health and suffering abuse from fellow prisoners

Praise God that Fariborz has been released and returned to his family! Pray that he will be protected from further threats and harassment. Ask the Lord to help him to overcome this ordeal and to remain strong in his faith. Pray for the release of Noorallah, Farshid, Youcef and Behnam. Pray that, like Paul, their imprisonment will result in the advancement of God's kingdom (Philippians 1:12-14).


3. Christians under fire in Khartoum, Sudan
(Source: Middle East Concern)

There have been several attacks on Christians in Sudan's Khartoum region in recent weeks.

On April 21, a church building in Sawafi was attacked by a mob provoked by a radical Muslim leader. Security forces stopped the mob. However, some found an alternate route, enabling them to ransack and burn down the building. The same day, a Bible School located on a church compound in Al-Gereif was badly damaged in an arson attack by a Muslim mob. The church had received threats of violence in late March and early April. Office equipment, library resources, and students' personal belongings were destroyed.

On April 19, in Burri, a group of 130 university students of South Sudanese origin were detained and given seven days to leave Sudan after being accused of celebrating South Sudan's invasion of the Heglig oil field within South Kordofan province. The students denied that they had held any such celebration. The day before, churches in Al-Baraka, Dar el Salam, and Takamul districts received notice that their properties would be demolished because of lack of structural integrity. Church leaders complained that the Ministry of Planning and Urban Development had not informed them of required changes to the buildings. Church leaders have reportedly been informally notified that the orders have been reversed.

Meanwhile, the April 8 deadline for those of South Sudanese origin (many of whom are Christian) to leave Sudan following the secession of South Sudan in July 2011 has been postponed for 30 days.

Pray that Christians in Khartoum will know the peace, presence and protection of Jesus. Pray that the detained students will be released. Pray that all demolition orders will be officially withdrawn. Please ask God that church leaders will know the Spirit's guidance and wisdom at this time.


4. Christians in Nigeria killed, injured
(Source: Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin)

On April 29, believers worshipping at Bayero University in the northern city of Kano, Nigeria, were targeted by militants from Boko Haram. The jihadists attacked the open-air service held outside the faculty of medicine, throwing explosive devices amongst the worshippers then chasing and shooting believers as they fled. They also attacked a worship service being held in the sporting complex, again throwing explosive devices amongst the believers who were then chased and gunned down as they ran away. Twenty-one people were killed and more than 20 were treated in hospital for gunshot wounds.

In an almost simultaneous attack, six Boko Haram gunmen burst into a chapel in the northeast city of Maiduguri, spraying bullets throughout the sanctuary. The pastor and three others who were preparing to serve communion were killed, while others were injured.

Ask God to surround those who are grieving with His love, peace, and comfort. Pray that the perpetrators of this violence will repent and turn to Jesus Christ. Pray that Christians in Nigeria will keep their eyes on Jesus, persevere in their faith, and not grow weary or lose heart (Hebrews 10:32-39; Hebrews 12:1-3).

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