Deadly forms of the MRSA super-bug, spreads from U.S. to U.K.

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Feb 2, 2012, 12:07:35 AM2/2/12
Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases

Deadly forms of the MRSA super-bug, spreads from U.S. to U.K.

Posted on February 2, 2012
The Daily Mail UK

February 2, 2012 – LONDON – The number of potentially deadly strains of MRSA that are easily passed between healthy people, outside hospitals is increasing in the UK, experts said today.

They include a flesh-eating form of pneumonia, USA300, which has spread across the US and is now being seen in the UK. Dr. Ruth Massey, from the Department of Biology and Biochemistry at the University of Bath, said extra vigilance was required around PVL-positive community acquired MRSA strains.

She drew attention to USA300, a deadly strain of the superbug which passes easily through skin-to-skin contact. It is resistant to treatment by several front-line antibiotics and can cause large boils on the skin. In severe cases, USA300 can lead to fatal blood poisoning or a form of pneumonia that can eat away at lung tissue.

 Dr. Massey said there were 1,000 cases of PVL-positive community acquired MRSA in England in the last year, of which 200 were USA300 strains. ‘These community-acquired strains seem to be good at affecting healthy people – they seem to be much better than the hospital ones at causing disease. ‘They don’t rely on healthcare workers moving them around, which the hospital ones seem to.’ Dr. Massey said USA300 is ‘a really big issue in the US and it’s starting to emerge here. ‘But hopefully because we are aware of it and are working to understand it, it won’t become as big of a problem (in the UK).’ –Daily Mail
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