Paranormal Activity 'causing panic attacks, hysteria and paralysis' in Italy

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Feb 11, 2010, 2:40:33 AM2/11/10
Perilous Times, Witchcraft and The Occult

Paranormal Activity 'causing panic attacks, hysteria and paralysis' in Italy

Paranormal Activity, a horror film set in a haunted house, has caused uproar in Italy after a string of people who watched it were “paralysed” by panic attacks.

By Heidi Blake
Published: 7:07AM GMT 11 Feb 2010

The film opened in Italy with no age restrictions at the weekend, despite having been rated 15 in the UK and given an adult R rating in the US.

But the Italian parents’ association is calling for an age limit of 18 to be slapped on the film amid claims that even the trailer is terrifying “thousands” of children.

Emergency services received dozens of on calls on Saturday from cinema-goers having prolonged panic attacks after watching the film.

The most severe case was that of a 14-year-old girl who was brought into hospital “in a state of paralysis”, an emergency services spokesman said.

Parents say the trailer alone is enough to terrify their children and claim it is being screened "obsessively" on Italian television.

The advert features a pounding music track and fast-paced edits with a voice over claiming that Paranormal Activity is the film that "terrorised all America".

Even the Italian defence minister has weighed into the row. “For the past two weeks a trailer has been shown obsessively on TV and is terrifying thousands of children,” Ignazio La Russa said.

“It’s a terrible thing. I took notice because my seven-year-old son told me: ‘Daddy, I’m scared.’”

Sandro Bondi, the culture minister, said he was considering measures to shield children after being flooded with complaints.

The film, which is shot like a home movie, follows a young couple coping with supernatural activity in their home.

Oren Peli, the director, filmed it on a video camera in his own house on a budget of just $15,000 (£9,000).

The film took $22 million (£13.5 million) in its first weekend on nationwide release in the US at the end of October.
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