Double Whammy: Earthquake hits off Taiwan coast, tropical storms bring torrential rains: CWB

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Aug 30, 2010, 5:45:11 PM8/30/10
Perilous Times

Double Whammy: Earthquake hits off Taiwan coast, tropical storms bring torrential rains: CWB

Taiwan News, Staff Writer

2010-08-31 12:00 AM     

A man covers his body with a raincoat in the rain brought by Typhoon Lionrock and a tropical depression in Taipei yesterday. yesterday.
Taiwan News

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake struck under the ocean off Ilan County yesterday afternoon, the Central Weather Bureau said, but no damage or injuries were immediately reported.

The tremor struck at 4:45 p.m. and had its epicenter under the ocean 39.1km northeast of the Ilan City seismic observation station, the bureau said. The center was situated 16.5km under ground.

The quake was felt most clearly in nearby parts of Taipei County where it reached an intensity of 4, and Su'ao in Ilan County and Hoping, Hualien County, with an intensity of 3, according to bureau data. Buildings in Taipei also rocked during the tremor.

The quake came as tropical storm Lionrock lashed parts of Taiwan with torrential rain. Bureau forecasters said they might issue sea warnings early this morning if the storm increased its speed.

Yesterday afternoon, Lionrock was situated 420km west-southwest from Oluanpi, Taiwan's southernmost point, and was moving northeast at a speed of less than 5 kph, the bureau said.

Another tropical storm more than 1,000km east and a low-pressure area 180km from the northeast made sure that the weather in Taiwan would be unstable for days to come and that heavy rain was possible all over the island, forecasters said.

The worst affected parts yesterday were situated on the north side of Taipei and Taipei County including the north coast, and Keelung.
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