Arsonists torch Jerusalem mosque

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Dec 14, 2011, 6:04:43 AM12/14/11
Perilous Times

Arsonists torch Jerusalem mosque


JERUSALEM — Israeli police say arsonists have torched a mosque in central Jerusalem.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says Hebrew-language graffiti was left at the unused building. This suggests Jewish extremists were responsible for the attack.

The Israeli military says vehicles were also torched and hate graffiti was spray-painted in the West Bank town of Nablus and Qalqilya.

The Wednesday incidents come just a day after Jewish radicals broke into an Israeli military base in the West Bank, damaging vehicles, setting fires and slightly injuring a senior commander.

The growing brazenness by the extremists has prompted calls for a clampdown. It has also generated allegations that the Israeli government hasn't acted more effectively against the extremists after two years of attacks on mosques and more recently, military bases.
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