_The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert_

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Mar 30, 2012, 2:52:45 AM3/30/12
to Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
_The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert_

The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada

Thursday, March 29, 2012

"The true calling of a Christian is not to do extraordinary things,
but to do ordinary things in an extraordinary way."
A. P. Stanley

In this week's edition: reports from Morocco, China, Iran and India

1. Three secret believers arrested in Morocco
(Sources: VOM-USA, Mission Network News)

Three Christian men were arrested in a city café on March 1 in Morocco. During the arrest, police apparently gained information about other secret believers in the country. The arrest involved two young men who were meeting with an older believer from another city. While the two young men were released later that night, the older believer remains in custody. The families of the two young men did not know the men were following Christ. One of them was no longer welcome in his home once his beliefs were discovered.

Many foreign Christians were expelled from Morocco two years ago, and this had a significant impact on the Church as anti-Christian sentiment seems to be growing in the country. Moroccan believers now meet in small groups for fear of persecution. While becoming a Christian in Morocco is not actually illegal, it is forbidden to share the gospel with non-Christians.

Please pray that Moroccan Christians will continue to gather despite the threats of reprisals. Pray that the believer in prison will remain strong in his faith and will be freed. Pray that Moroccan Christians' passion for Christ will be the light that draws others to Jesus (Matthew 5:14-16).


2. House church raided, believers detained in China
(Source: China Aid Association)

More than 70 Christians were taken into custody when a house church, which had been meeting for more than two decades, was raided in western China. The church, located in the region of Xinjiang, was stormed by police on March 18. About a dozen policemen and Domestic Security Protection agents burst into Pastor He Enjun's home, and authorities on the scene declared it was an "unapproved, illegal meeting" and ordered an immediate end to the meeting. Each Christian present was photographed by force and was taken for questioning. Some believers were not released for two days. Bibles, hymnals, notebooks, Christian education DVDs and other materials were confiscated without a receipt, even though a receipt is required by law. The pastor and his wife were later called back into the local police station for further questioning. They were threatened and ordered to stop hosting meetings in their home.

Please pray that the Lord will reward the faithfulness of these believers by using them to lead even more people to the King of Kings. Pray that these believers will echo Peter's sentiment to obey God regardless of what man says (Acts 5:29). Pray that God will work powerfully in the hearts of the authorities in Xinjiang.


3. Twenty-seven believers remain detained in Iran
(Source: Middle East Concern)

There are calls for both praise and petition in Iran as some formerly imprisoned believers have been released while others remain jailed for their faith. Davoud Alijani was arrested in Ahvaz last December and was released on March 8. Sharifeh Dookh, Masoud Golrooyan and Nima Shokouhi arrested in Shiraz last February were released after 36 days in custody. And Giti Hakimpour, a 78-year old detained for three days in February, received all the property back that was confiscated when she was arrested including her passport, pension book, computer, mobile phone and Bibles and other religious materials.

However, at least 27 believers remain detained across Iran because of their Christian faith. Following a series of raids in February and early March, five believers remain detained in Shiraz, three in Kermanshah and at least seven in Isfahan. Among those detained for more than one year are Youcef Nadarkhani, Noorallah Qabitizade and Farshid Fathi. Several believers who have been released on bail await court hearings. Alireza Akhavan, a Christian who was released on bail in 2010 but was convicted in November 2011 of "actions against national security," was re-arrested on March 14 while attempting to flee from Iran.

Please pray that each of those detained or facing court hearings will know the presence and peace of Jesus. Please pray that believers across Iran will know the Lord's wisdom and protection while meeting together, and so will be enabled to live without fear.

4. Hostility for believers increasing in India
(Source: VOM-USA)

Three vicious attacks against Christians in India in recent months reflect a growing anti-Christian sentiment.

A pastor and his children were attacked last February in Kerala state. Pastor Titus Ignatius Kapan and his family were eating dinner in the home of a convert to Christianity from Hinduism when Hindu extremists stormed in. They abused the pastor and his children and then dropped large boulders on the pastor's car.

Days earlier, Hindu extremists disrupted a prayer service in Pandhi village in Chhattisgarh state. For two days the attackers threatened and assaulted attendees with their fists and leather belts. They also tore down the believers' tent.

Finally, a group of Christians in Haibasa district in Jharkhand state were forced to leave their village after a series of attacks by local villagers. The Christians took refuge at a local church but at last report are living without necessities. In the last of the attacks, the violent mob shut down all exit points to the village before assaulting Christians with iron rods, axes, arrows and other sharp weapons, severely beating four Christians. Other believers, including children, were locked in a room where the assailants attempted to burn them alive. Thankfully police arrived before they could carry out the murders.

Please pray that Christians in India will find strength in Christ to bear the persecution and to continue to proclaim the Kingdom. Please pray that God will soften the hearts of the persecutors and draw them to repentance. Pray that our suffering brothers and sisters in India will trust God to enable them to proclaim the gospel even while suffering (2 Timothy 4:16-18).

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