South Australia braces for scorching heat

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Jan 30, 2011, 3:00:00 PM1/30/11
Perilous Times and Climate Change

South Australia braces for scorching heat

    * From: AAP
    * January 31, 2011 3:26AM

SOUTH Australians are set to swelter through their third day in a row of extreme heat with the temperature in Adelaide set to hit 42 degrees again.

Adelaide got to 42.5 degrees yesterday, after a 37.7 degree day on Saturday.

With 42 degrees forecast again tody, emergency services are advising people to take care of themselves in the heat.

The State Emergency Service issued an extreme heat warning for the three days, urging South Australians to take appropriate action to ensure their wellbeing during the heat event.

The advice includes making regular contact with elderly relatives, friends and neighbours.

SafeWork SA said the heat was a workplace hazard that needed to be considered in planning work activities.

Employers must ensure they have measures in place to cope with the sudden burst of high temperatures, SafeWork SA acting executive director Bryan Russell said.

"Working on through the symptoms of heat stress can lead to serious illness and in extreme cases death," he said.

Extreme total fire bans have been declared for the West Coast and Eastern Eyre Peninsula districts, with severe total fire ban warnings for the Lower Eyre Peninsula, Flinders, mid north, Mount Lofty Ranges, Yorke Peninsula and Kangaroo Island districts.
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