Tens of thousands flee 'extreme violence' in Congo

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May 31, 2012, 3:42:19 PM5/31/12
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Perilous Times

Tens of thousands flee 'extreme violence' in Congo

Aid workers say more than 100,000 people in North Kivu have fled mass executions, mutilations and rapes by armed militias

    Simon Tisdall
    guardian.co.uk, Thursday 31 May 2012 07.34 BST

The number of displaced people in DRC is believed to be 2 million – its highest level in three years. Photograph: Phil Moore/AFP/Getty Images

Villagers and townspeople in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo are facing "extreme violence", with mass executions, abductions, mutilations and rapes being committed almost daily, according to aid workers in Goma, the capital of North Kivu province.

Fighting between the government army, the FARDC, and a group of mutineers led by a fugitive UN war crimes indictee, Bosco Ntaganda, has escalated since April. Militias including the notorious FDLR, a Rwandan rebel group based in Congo, have joined the fray in a multi-fronted battle for territory, money and power. But the violence has received relatively little international attention.

"The crisis in Congo is the worst it has been for years. The activity of armed groups has exploded, with militias making the most of the chaos to prey on the local population," said Samuel Dixon, Oxfam's policy adviser in Goma. "Large areas of Kivu are under the control of armed groups – some villages are being terrorised from all sides, with up to five groups battling for power.

"Local people are bearing the brunt of extreme violence, facing the risk of massacre, rape, retaliation, abduction, mutilation, forced labour or extortion. In less than two months, more than 100,000 people in North Kivu have been forced to flee," Dixon said.

The UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said the violence had sent tens of thousands of refugees spilling over the border into Rwanda and Uganda, while many more people were internally displaced.

UNHCR spokeswoman Melissa Fleming, said UN agencies and the Red Cross would soon begin to distribute relief supplies. "Some of the displaced report cases of extortion, forced labour, forced recruitment of minors and beatings by armed men," Fleming said.

Aid workers said heightened instability was making it difficult to establish the extent of the violence and to get supplies to those most in need, who had often taken refuge in remote, inaccessible areas.

"The mutiny in North Kivu is part of a broader picture of insecurity caused by multiple armed groups and by elements of the Congolese forces. Since the FARDC has been fighting the mutiny, other armed groups active in eastern Congo have moved into areas left vacant by the army," an internal NGO field report seen by the Guardian stated.

The report went on: "In South Kivu in early May, 30 people were killed in Lumenje zone by the FDLR … During the night of 13 May, at least another 40 civilians lost their lives and 35 were injured following a brutal FDLR attack on Kamananga."

"In Mambas territory, a mai mai [militia] group reportedly raped over 70 women in the second week of May and armed clashes around Itembo allegedly led to the death of 17 civilians."

The total number of internally displaced people in Congo is believed to be 2 million, its highest level in three years.

The latest upheavals follow warnings, first reported in the Guardian on 16 March, that the army's offensive against the FDLR, launched in February, could destabilise the Kivus and have disastrous consequences. Controversially, the UN supported the offensive, arguing that it was the best way to end chronic instability in the region. The army's plan went awry last month after President Joseph Kabila of Congo called for the arrest of Bosco Ntaganda.


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