Anonymous hacker group threatens Israel with 'reign of terror'

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Feb 10, 2012, 8:08:26 AM2/10/12
Perilous Times

Anonymous hacker group threatens Israel with 'reign of terror'

    February 10, 2012 8:37PM

THE Anonymous hacker group released a video today threatening to launch a "reign of terror" against Israel and accusing the Jewish state of "crimes against humanity".

The video was posted on the video-sharing website YouTube today, Haaretz reported. It comes amid an escalating cyber war between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli hackers.

"For too long, we have tolerated your crimes against humanity and allowed your sins to go unpunished," a computer-generated voice says on the video.

"You claim to be democratic, yet in reality, this is far from the truth. In fact, your only goal is to better the lives of a select few while carelessly trampling the liberties of the masses."

Palestinian supporters and Israel loyalists have been battling in cyber space for several months.

In January, a Saudi hacker published tens of thousands of Israeli credit card numbers on the internet. And in June last year, Anonymous threatened to shut down the website of the Israeli Knesset.
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