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Killer storm Florence officials warn the devastation is far from as death toll hits 17

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Sep 18, 2018, 5:56:37 AM9/18/18

Killer storm Florence officials warn the devastation is far from as death toll hits 17

  • Chieka Corso, has been the security guard at Harris Teeter in Porters Neck, North Carolina for four years
  • Video footage obtained by, shows her 'running a tight ship' and keeping customers in check as they line up for basic necessities 
  • She is heard telling shoppers there is 'no ice, no dry ice. Limited batteries: no C's or D's. No propane, no charcoal, we're limited on perishables, and no cigarettes'
  • Storm Florence lashed the south east of the US on Thursday and hit thousands in North Carolina on Sunday
  • Officials plan to airlift food and water to thousands holed up in the cut off coastal city of Wilmington, NC 
  • So far over 400 people have been rescued from the area, which has no power and has become an island
  • Residents have been waiting for hours outside stores and restaurants for basic necessities like water
  • The death toll has now hit 17 after a mother and her baby died in Wilmington and woman was hit by tree

Published: 16:35 EDT, 17 September 2018 | Updated: 04:11 EDT, 18 September 2018

Video footage has shown a female security guard at a North Carolina grocery store single-handedly running a tight ship as scores of residents line up to buy basic necessities after floodwaters left the coastal city cut off from the rest of the state.

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