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India's massive big brother bio-metric database which logs every citizen's details including fingerprints and retinas

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Sep 27, 2018, 9:45:58 AM9/27/18

India's massive big brother bio-metric database which logs every citizen's details including fingerprints and retinas is legal, top court rules

  • Aadhaar big brother project issues every Indian with ID linked to fingerprints and iris scans
  • Government said the big brother database will streamline welfare services and root out fraud
  • Critics say it risks turning second-most populous nation into a big brother surveillance state
  • But a five-judge bench of the Supreme Court upheld the legality of the project

Published: 03:22 EDT, 26 September 2018 | Updated: 08:54 EDT, 26 September 2018

India's massive big brother biometric database which logs every citizen's details including fingerprints and retinas is legal, the country's top court has ruled.

The government says the Aadhaar big brother national identity project, which issues every Indian with a unique 12-digit ID linked to fingerprints and iris scans, would streamline welfare services and root out fraud.

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