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Indonesia quake-tsunami death toll moves above 1,300, as 200,000 people battle thirst and hunger

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Oct 2, 2018, 3:46:54 PM10/2/18

Indonesia quake-tsunami death toll moves above 1,300, as 200,000 people battle thirst and hunger and starving survivors rummage through rubble for food

  • The Indonesian government has started to crack down on citizens looting shops for supplies in Palu Tuesday 
  • United Nations representatives say around 200,000 people are in need of food and shelter after the tsunami 
  • Police say they have arrested dozens of people for stealing computers and cash in the wake of the disaster
  • The official death toll has climbed to 1,349 as rescuers are still battling to track down some of the survivors

Published: 09:31 EDT, 2 October 2018 | Updated: 11:12 EDT, 2 October 2018

More than 1,300 people are now known to have died in the quake-tsunami that smashed into Sulawesi, Indonesia's government said on Tuesday, as police pledged to clamp down on looting by survivors taking advantage of the chaos..

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Almost 200,000 people are in need of urgent help, the United Nations says, among them tens of thousands of children.

Survivors are battling thirst and hunger, with food and clean water in short supply, and local hospitals are overwhelmed by the number of injured.

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