Helping Google Scholar find citations

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Benjamin Kalish

Mar 1, 2010, 5:52:24 PM3/1/10
Any one who is working on the web end of BibJSON tools, or, for that matter, any tool which make citations available on the web, should check out a recent blog post which explains how to use meta tags to make your citations easily available to Google Scholar. I gather that this is supported but undocumented.

You can read the post at

I have no idea how much this may help or what other mechanism may exist to accomplish the same thing, but I thought I would pass it along.

Benjamin M. Kalish

Dr. Micah Altman

Mar 3, 2010, 10:04:26 AM3/3/10
to bibjson
Interesting. We've also found that the structure of DOI's and handles makes them amenable to searching. A search on the ID authority/id string (sans namespace prefix) is quite unlikely to match anything that isn't referring to the object identified by the ID, and is very likely to find any citations that include thor a URL embedding it.


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