Free Product Management Training Seminars in Atlanta - Portfolio Management

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John Mansour

Jun 24, 2011, 5:21:21 PM6/24/11
to Birmingham Product Management Association
As part of its our recent rebranding, Proficientz (formerly ZIGZAG
Marketing) is offering free half-day training seminars in 12 cities on
Product Portfolio Management.

We're offering the half-day seminars in Atlanta on July 19th and
August 16th.

The course, An Introduction to Product Portfolio Management, is for
B2B product management, portfolio management, product marketing and
industry marketing professionals and covers advanced portfolio
management concepts designed to help organizations reach their next
inflection point using non-traditional product management and
marketing practices.

Here’s the link to the details and registration -

Please join us for this great opportunity to learn an outside-the-box
approach to product management and marketing at no cost.
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