Meet and Greet BPMA December Meeting

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Saranda West

Nov 30, 2010, 9:52:28 PM11/30/10

Hope everyone had a restful holiday weekend.  Now on to making plans, executing roadmaps, etc. for 2011!


To stay with the theme of the holidays we are going to have a Meet and Greet lunch for our Birmingham Product Management Association December Meeting. Please join us at Moe’s Southwest Grill in the Vestavia City Center on Wednesday, December 15th at 11:30 AM. This will be a great opportunity to have some 1 on 1 conversations with other product managers in the area.


Please respond to if you plan on attending. Hope to see you there!


Saranda West

Product Manager



205.383.1472 - direct line

205.329-0405 - cell


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