SOAPdenovo2 compilation issue

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Mar 7, 2018, 2:22:11 AM3/7/18
1 Q desc. (which area, which software, which version, which env., what error report)

2 Ways I have tried (like searched by google,quora, statckoverflow ...)

3 The point I really hope to know  (what's the mean of * ? how to do  * ?  if it is * ? )

Hi there,
I have the questions about SOAPdenovo2-src-r240 compilation. Apparently there is discrepancy in installation recommendations in "INSTALLATION" and "MANUAL" files.
In particular, from  INSTALLATION file i have:
1)Type "make" at root of unpacked folder.
2)Type "make clean" at root of unpacked folder.
However, in the "MANUAL" was mentioned:
"download the source code, unpack to ${destination folder} with the method above, and compile by using GNU make with command "make" at ${destination folder}/SOAPdenovo-V2.04. Then install executable to ${destination folder}/SOAPdenovo-V2.04/bin using "make install" "

I've tried both ways. Typing "make clean" removed "SOAPdenovo-127mer" and  "SOAPdenovo-63mer" executable files.

Typing "make install" resulted in "make: *** No rule to make target `install' " error.

I'm wondering which executables i have to see after appropriate installation? "SOAPdenovo-127mer" and  "SOAPdenovo-63mer", right? Which one of them i need to use for the assembly "SOAPdenovo-127mer" or  "SOAPdenovo-63mer"?

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