How to produce an agp file

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Echo Chen

Dec 5, 2012, 12:40:04 PM12/5/12
Hi everyone,

I wonder if there is a pipeline for building an agp file from SOAPdenovo outputs for submission to Genbank ( 

At first I thought I could simply break the final scaffold file by N's, but then I realized that after the gap closing step, many scaffolds don't have any N's at all. I also looked at some other files that SOAPdenovo produced during the scaffolding step, but it is never straightforward to me how I could generate an agp file from them, especially when I used GapCloser after the scaffolding step.

Since so many successful SOAPdenovo assemblies have been published, I believe people have experience in producing the agp file. Thanks so much for your help. This has been bothering me for quite a while.

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