Better Gmail 2: Latest version now available

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Gina Trapani

Sep 4, 2009, 1:33:26 PM9/4/09
to Better Webapps Firefox Extensions
The latest version of Better Gmail 2 (0.9.2) has been approved on
Mozilla Add-ons. You should get notified via Firefox there's an
update available, or you can download it right now from here:

The changelog includes several requests from users on this list:

* Added Attachment Icons (Native) user script
( as an alternative to existing
Attachment Icons;
* Added Show Unread Message Count on Favicon (Peter Wooley version as an alternative to
existing Eric Bogs version;
* Reinstated Hide Labels in Message Row script (user pointed out the
Gmail Labs version does not provide mouseover label display);
* Updated the Summarize Unread Message Count by Sender user script to
latest version (thanks Winston);
* Fixed bug with Amazon referrer script for non .com Amazon domains
(like and .de)

Lemme know if you have any problems with the new version other than
what's on our "Known Issues" list right now. Thanks all!

Also, I wanted to personally thank everyone who has enabled the
"Support this add-on via Amazon" option. It helps me justify the time
I spend maintaining the add-ons, which means faster updates and
support for everyone.

Thanks all,



Sep 5, 2009, 12:51:46 PM9/5/09
to Better Webapps Firefox Extensions
After I updated to the new release, I got a warning from my antivirus
that a tracking cookie from yadro had been installed. In addition, the
preferences setting for google search were removed. Is that related
somehow to the better gmail extension?

On Sep 4, 10:33 am, Gina Trapani <> wrote:
> The latest version of Better Gmail 2 (0.9.2) has been approved on
> Mozilla Add-ons.  You should get notified via Firefox there's an
> update available, or you can download it right now from here:
> The changelog includes several requests from users on this list:
> * Added Attachment Icons (Native) user script
> ( as an alternative to existing
> Attachment Icons;
> * Added Show Unread Message Count on Favicon (Peter Wooley version as an alternative to
> existing Eric Bogs version;
> * Reinstated Hide Labels in Message Row script (user pointed out the
> Gmail Labs version does not provide mouseover label display);
> * Updated the Summarize Unread Message Count by Sender user script to
> latest version (thanks Winston);
> * Fixed bug with Amazon referrer script for non .com Amazon domains
> (like and .de)
> Lemme know if you have any problems with the new version other than
> what's on our "Known Issues" list right now.  Thanks all!

Gina Trapani

Sep 5, 2009, 4:06:54 PM9/5/09
On Sat, Sep 5, 2009 at 9:51 AM, HumbleOpinion<> wrote:
> After I updated to the new release, I got a warning from my antivirus
> that a tracking cookie from yadro had been installed. In addition, the
> preferences setting for google search were removed. Is that related
> somehow to the better gmail extension?

Nope, definitely not. Better Gmail 2 does not set cookies or change
search preferences (without you opting into that kind of change,
anyway)--I wouldn't ever add something that did that to the add-on.


Sep 5, 2009, 6:56:48 PM9/5/09
to Better Webapps Firefox Extensions
Does this new version stop the Labs feature that previews your inbox
before GMail loads because that feature has stopped for me.
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