Betapsi Newsletter

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May 5, 2014, 3:10:54 PM5/5/14
Hey All, 

How's everyone doing? :)

   Before proceeding, we would like to congratulate all 3rd year Bachelor of Psychology students for successfully finishing and handing in their assignments, after a year of hard work and dedication (YAAYYY :D)! Betapsi wishes you all the best in your future! 


   Clara's and Nicola's wonderful experience in the 28th Annual EFPSA Congress, which was held in Baile Felix, Romania, came to an end on the 4th of May. Clara, as the MR of Maltese Psychology Students, followed the MR Programme, while Nicola followed the Scientific Programme. They both participated in the Social Programme. Through these programmes, they met, and got to know psychology students from all over Europe.

   Nicola and Clara kept us all updated on their 'EFPSA Adventure' in Romania through a series of detailed blogs, giving us all insight on various interesting moments during their experience in the Congress. In the following links, you can find all the blog entries which were posted: 


   Two Vlogs were also uploaded in Betapsi's Youtube Channel (SUSCRIBE :D). Watch them to get a slight taste of what Nicola and Clara experienced in their #Rawrmania adventure! 


MMSA Carwash in aid of Puttinu Cares

   Betapsi Exec. Members and Active Members participated in a car-wash organised by MMSA-SCOPH on Wednesday, 30th April. We are all glad to say that this fundraising event was really successful. Betapsi would like to take this opportunity to congratulate MMSA, and all the collaborating organisations, for this success. The sum collected was that of 535 Euros, and will be donated to Puttinu Cares. 

   We would also like to thank active members 
Rachel Bezzina, Bernadette Hili and Claudia Azzopardi, for their contribution in this event, and those people who donated for this beneficial cause. We look forward to collaborate with MMSA, and other student organisations, in similar events! :)

AIESEC – Global Citizen: Social Wellbeing Student Exchanges

     This summer, AIESEC Malta is offering great exchange opportunities for UoM students. You may find the booklet with all of the Projects happening this summer in the following link:


   Some projects directly target students studying courses in Social Wellbeing, and could boost one’s experience within the field. Since most of the opportunities will be taking place in helping children in orphanages from around the world, Social Wellbeing Students might be up for such a challenge. Social Wellbeing students would be having preference over other students when applying to the Projects directed to them, although they still may apply to the other projects.

For more information, visit AIESEC UoM’s Facebook page:

TSA (Tourism Studies Association) Conference

Upon invitation, Betapsi representative Petra Borg attended the TSA Careers and Career Development in Malta's Tourism Industry Conference. 
   Among the topics discussed were the importance of the right attitude at work, the interaction of hard and soft skills at the workplace and the future of the industry. Betapsi would like to congratulate TSA for a successful and interesting conference.

IDAHO - International Day Against Homophobia

   Since May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOT), We Are and Betapsi are collaborating in a campaign on campus.

   Starting on Tuesday, 13th May, and ending on Thursday 15th May, in order to raise awareness on the significance of IDAHOT, and also awareness regarding Homophobia, Transphobia, and other social stigma that the LGBT society carries with it. A Photo Booth will be present on quad on Tuesday 13th & Thursday 15th. Workshops will also be held during the week. A bake sale will also organised at our stand throughout the week, starting on Tuesday 13th. 

   We'll keep you all updated throughout the week! We hope to see you all from the 13th till the 16th of May! The following is the link to the Facebook event :)

KONNEKT Internships

   KONNEKT, which is one of the leading recruitment agencies in Malta, is looking for two two individuals who would be interested to work on an Internship as HR in the agency. For more information, visit their website:


   KONNEKT is also inviting 2nd year students who are doing their dissertation in the HR/Work Psychology field, to look up data which they have available, and which would eventually be useful for dissertations. Contact Betapsi, or anyone of our exec members, if interested.

For more information, please contact 


Psychology Lab

   Details regarding the UoM Psychology Lab will be posted in the new Facebook page:
Like this page to keep yourselves posted on news which regard the Psychology Lab, and the Seminars that the lab hosts. 

Survey - Dr. Gordon Sammut

   Dr. Sammut requested Betapsi to share this with Psychology students: 


You are kindly invited to participate in a survey concerning Context & Health. The survey investigates the way people represent the place where they live & how this is associated with their health, dietary habits and physical exercise. The survey is part of an international study aimed at better understanding how contextual factors relate to physical health. The results of the study are expected to serve in designing culturally relevant health programmes worldwide. Your participation is therefore highly important, as your responses will make it possible for Malta to be included in this survey and for the findings of this study to inform local health practices. I would also like to encourage you to forward this email to all your contacts in your address book such that more Malta-based respondents can participate in the survey. Kindly proceed to the questionnaire by clicking the following link: 

Thanks & Regards

Gordon Sammut PhD
Department of Psychology

Camino de Santiago 2014

   Dear all,

hope this email finds you well!


We would like to promote the experience of Camino de Santiago we're organizing this summer (July 30th - August 11th).

Since it's experience open to everyone (believers and not believers) and it's at a very reasonable price, it can be interesting for many young people.


You can find the image with dates and contacts attached to this email.


Thanks for your help and your availability!

And all the best for your exams and your summer!



Marco - Chaplaincy Team


And this is the end of yet another newsletter. It is now time to proceed with studying, since exams are getting closer by the minute! Hope you all found our news informative :) 
Good Luck all, and Have a Nice Week!

- The Betapsi Team 


Andrew Camilleri
Secretary General

Website: l E-mail:
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