Fwd: Manifesto

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Mar 23, 2014, 12:58:59 PM3/23/14
to betapsi-exe...@googlegroups.com

Petra Borg
Secretary General

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rebecca xiberras <rebecca....@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 1:25 PM
Subject: Manifesto
To: Betapsimalta <betaps...@gmail.com>

I am interested in being a candidate in the Organisation Betapsi. I think it will help both me, in developing certain skills, as well as the organisation, as i could bring certain contacts from other organisations. I would like to apply for the Public Relations Officer (PRO). I think it would be a perfect role for me since i would be working hand in hand with the Events Coordinator when working on annual projects. One of my objective in joining this organisation is to promote events that Betapsi organizes and partakes in amongst the student body. I think that as an organization, Betapsi has come a long way, however i think would like it to organise more events that can bring psychology students from first years till master students closer. Getting closer together both by discussions and fun events, because at the end of the day the person you meet in your course today could be your co-worker in a few years. I was the president of the student council in my secondary years and organised events during my 6th form years, some of the events our council had invented are still done today. And that's the beauty of being in an organisation putting one step forward for the next generation.

Rebecca Xiberras

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