BetaPsi Newsletter - End of 2014 Edition

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Dec 30, 2014, 5:41:53 PM12/30/14
Hey there fellow psychology students!

 First of all, we sincerely hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas with your family, friends, and loved ones. Like any other time of the year December was once again a BetaBusy month! This edition of the BetaPsi Newsletter will be featuring the organisation's activities during this Christmas Season.


Christmas on Campus

BetaPsi once again collaborated in what proved to be yet another fruitful joint effort between KSU and the majority of the student organisations on Campus, with daily activities being organised, drawing the attention of quite a number of students, and fundraising for a major cause.

Together, KSU and Chaplaincy opened these festive days with great speeches and tasty refreshments. Back to the serious stuff, the 3 speaks from 3 respective areas, a priest, a philosophy professor and a councilor from Bethlehem spoke about the main theme of this year Christmas activities, 'Peace'. All organizations were present and of course, BetaPsi was one of them.

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BetaPsi contributed to this cause by organising two events: The First Edition of Psychology Movie Nights - 'Girl, Interrupted', which was held on the 4th of December, and the infamous Chilli Challenge, which attracted a crowd of University students at quad, on the 17th of December. During the latter, several individuals tested their intestinal fortitude on their ability to consume one of the hottest peppers on the planet, without drinking milk or eating ice cream for 5 minutes after consumption. With these two events combined, BetaPsi managed to raise a total of around 100 euros for l-Istrina. Thanks everyone for your contribution. BetaPsi also collaborated in the Park and Pay, which is a KSU and SACES initiative, and Frosbite, the official University Christmas party, in aid of l-Istrina.

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 Among other activities, BetaPsi was also present for a Christmas party organised by KSU for immigrant children. 

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The festivities closed when Her excellency, the President, gave a speech regarding what all this was about. "To truly love", Her excellency exclaimed, "is not to simply donate but to come together and express our deepest respect for those who really need". The vice-president of KSU, Mark Grech, closed the event by donating the beautiful sum of 6 thousand euros for l-Istrina, collected by all organizations to the President. Inline image 5
KSU, together with other student organisations from university and other institutions in Malta, including BetaPsi, went to present the marvelous amount of 21 thousand euros on Boxing Day at the Mediterranean conference center during l-Istrina, collected during the Solidaritree campaign. BetaPsi Vice-President Steve Borg was present.  

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Apart from the money collected, it is important to note that such activities promote peace, unity, and the idea that everything is achievable if we all work together!


In what was a special Christmas edition for the BetaPsi student gathering, Psychology students and friends met at Footloose, Paceville, to celebrate the start of Christmas holidays. The theme for the night was RWG, meaning that attendants where to wear Red, White, and/or Green clothing, to add a Christmasy feel to the mix.

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Mistletoe Blitz was also one of the main attractions of this party: 2 bowls were present, and in each bowl there were numbers. The amount of people was divided into 2, and each group picks a number from the bowl. The aim of this was to find your "mate" and share a hug or a kiss or even better... a shot !

Kudos to the BetaPsi-Leisure committee for delivering such an amazing event! BetaPsi-Leisure promises bigger events in the near future. Stay tuned.  


Job Opportunity
If you are a B.PSY graduate and haven't found a job yet, this is your chance to shine! A great job opportunity to motivate people and work on team building activities! 

The Malta Chamber for SMEs, through its training arm, GRTU Services Ltd., is seeking to engage motivated and professional trainers on a part-time basis to provide tuition courses to adult learners at basic levels (MQF Levels 1 & 2). The requirements being sought are: a minimum MQF Level 6 (Bachelor-level or comparable) in Psychology, English, Maltese, Mathematics or Physics (or any other Science Subject). Teaching experience, particularly in adult learning, shall be considered an asset. Applications are welcome from new entrants to the profession as well as from established teachers.

Deadline for applications: January 5th 2015
Applications including a detailed CV are to be submitted to Mr Matthew Agius at GRTU, Exchange Buildings, Republic Street Valletta, or by email on .

For any information or clarification, kindly contact Mr Agius on or 21 232881/3. 


Working at Inspire
We would like to thank KSU - Kunsill Studenti Universitarji and Inspire Malta for providing psychology students with the opportunity to partake in this invaluable experience of working with the NGO Inspire. Students will not only gain an insight into the work done within an NGO, but they will also put into practice and hence develop, various psychological skills which will prove to be indispensable in the future. 

This collaboration is in anticipation of The KSU Welfare and Volunteering Office, currently being developed by this year's KSU executive.

We would also like to thank Yentl Spiteri for her wonderful presentation. 

If you would like to participate in this project, please send your CV along with a covering letter to or

If you would like more information kindly contact one of the Betapsi executive members.
Earlier this month, Inspire's Yentl Spiteri presented what working at Inspire entails, and the rewarding yet challenging experience working with clients in an NGO could be. Offering some work experience for students pursuing Psychology, Spiteri explained how students from her old Faculty could learn volumes out of an experience like this, and promoted the benefits of working in this environment. This project is a collaboration between KSU, BetaPsi Malta and Inspire Malta in anticipation of The KSU Welfare and Volunteering Office, currently being developed by this year's KSU executive.

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Season's Greetings

The following video, produced by The Third Eye, features all the organisations on campus delivering their Christmas greetings. BetaPsi, of course, wished everyone a wonderful BetaChristmas!

On such a positive note, the BetaPsi team would like to close the last edition of the BetaPsi newsletter for the year 2014 by wishing you all the best for the rest of this festive season. Happy New Year 2015!  Enjoy such wonderful times, stay safe, and also remember that exams are in less than a month, so it is important to dedicate time accordingly when it comes to academic commitments as well. All the best!

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Andrew Camilleri
Secretary General

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