Timeline 2025-1951-1945-1865

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chris Macrae

Jul 8, 2023, 10:51:41 AM7/8/23
to BestA1 2=50 year 73 EconomistGames.com
In 1865 electricity etc had advanced to a stage where Switzerland's ITU was asked to unite all nations tele-standards (all coms). 80 years on - 2 world wars had been fought- and the greats of Maths had moved from Swiss neighbourhoods of ITU/League of nations to Princeton and UN birthed 1945 in NY. 
www.EconomistDiary.com Dad Norman survived last days as teenage navigator allied bomber command Burma. Intel's best happening if his under30s life was being sent by The Economist to be pretrained in tech futures (comps*coms) by Von Neumann 1951 Whence 73 years of family notes - who the NET (Neumann Einstein Turing) celbrarte most as Architects Intelligence - united goal Sustainability Generation.-

Dad The Economist's Norman Macrae founded this emerging deep data plugin in 1951 after V Neumann had explained that maths & technology would save or destroy humanity-probably irreversibly by 2030. 100 times more tech/decade  spaces to be mapped _ what goods will people in such spaces unite?
Ask chris.macrae@yahoo..co.uk for some key leaps up/down over 73 years tracking - eg 10th annual  1962- The Economist mapped- & JFK seconded  first 5 regional labs to trach Intelligence flows for ever more; +25 Economist xmas 1976 EntrepereurialRevolution.city.. Things hotted up in dad's last year on planet 2009-10 FFL and DH became as mathematically vital duo for good ai as Neumann and Einstein. After dad's death Japan Ambassador to bangladesh nominated Fazle Abed www.abedmooc.com as Intel for sustaining www.1billiongirlds.comat bottom of pyramid. So can the depths or women building real community be blended wit good virtual worlds of human dev?  8 years of SDgoals have been lost to going backwards; - 7654321 0 so countdown of college years goes. 
Chartering DO NOW Help us clarify college year 23-24 2+50 AI for Sustainability of Millennials. We welcome chats - see examples t www.bard.solar. Update 52 at www.EconomistLearning.com . Complete our final month as linkedin newsletter July 2023 www.ed3envoyun.com - transfer to this google group to stay united for gioid AI and sdgs.
2023 I tend to live on a bust between Dc and NY or whatsapp +1 240 316 8157 chris macrae - co-author of humanity's last 40 years 2025report since 1984. 
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