publishing Architect Intelligence Game

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chris Macrae

Jul 12, 2023, 1:31:18 PM7/12/23
to BestA1 2=50 year 73
I have an idea for a fieldbook and a card game aimed at celebrating inter-generation purpose of Von Neumann and friends. I am looking for advice on who might join in publishing it. Also whether there is any possibility of  publishing online in chapter parts as shaping debate AIforGood needs doing now!

IDEA reframe AI around Game Architect Intelligence
The game in part emerged from conversation with  Marina-von Neumann's daughter - if there had been AI Hall of fame the last 75 years who would von Neumann ,Einstein , Turing most celebrate being in it?. We can imagine a pack of playing cards (or fantasy league) notably celebrating whom is seen as human AI's top connectors by the younger half of the world if there's is to be first sustainability generation
 Educationally the fun becomes more and more diverse pack swaps geared to community livelihoods and co-creative challenges.

One of the imagineering devices we feature is a magic specs; lens 1 how are we spending 8 billion beings lifettmes?; lens 2  how are we beaming up/down applicable intelligence to every community facing urgent sdg challenge? Blending human and artificial intel uses these lenses to innovate how monetary flows circulate, not vice versa. Actually as we unite nominations of Architects/Engineers, the magic specs emerge as a framework congruent to that Guterres decade-long leadership of UN2 is trying to digitally roadmap,

 Good AI is  every human's best real chance whether as young lives ahead or passing on elders wisdom from the very strange 75 years we've known- we have all the tech in the world to solve any challenges but not the human relationships maps - bad AI needs to be mainly about changing changing fake media (or removing the sorts of beyond borders enemies James Bond faced. Evil networks attract faster than good). Sadly community replicable intelligence , which we all need, has nothing much to do with the 20 most powerful government people in the world regulating what they see as safety. If it did, eg climate crisis wouldn't still be mainly greenwashing. This is where multilaterals in next few years like the UN need to get community mediation right as bottom-up and open not just top-down. 16 trips to Bangladesh to listen to father's last great inspiration Fazle Abed provide clues on Intelligences he hoped would advance bottom of pyramid AI which  covid halted momentum round.

 And I suspect that while many sdgs depend on educational transformation,  multilaterals may need to separate whatever is the piece needed to unite goals 16-13. Otherwise eg every general assembly will be taken over by the next war instead of continuously supporting millennials good social actions -see this un briefing -the role the UN hopes college year 23-24 will collaboratively leapfrog towards

Overall game of AI celebrates seeing how much advance of  human generation now urgently depends on trusted emotional intervention abyintegrating the kindest human practitioners and intelligences of 2025-1950 as the tech wizards. Wherever a locality loves all its people we can celebrate their half-pack of nominations once the game is up and running. Within range of place my family knows best: Hong Kong is favorite case where a half pack would be so useful for all 30s to know existed but them my family tree has spent more of life's time in Asia than anywhere else - a natural consequence of being diaspora scot and following economist founder and queen victoria's intelligences for change.

 In book form we feature a benchmark top 80 intelligences introduced in chapters of about 4 at a time. There are 3 journeys we call alpha beta gamma: gamma is back from future history of 2025 greatest ai designers -eg people like Demis Hassabis and Fei-Fei Li who have in 4g decade pioneered the ai grounded round spending 3 years training a computer's vision and data science before you expect any good to rise; alpha is chronological eg narrative of the Original 1950s Net (Neumann Einstein Turing) and JF Kennedy gave their lives to; beta makes connection across the 75 years

I am wondering if it is practical to publish online chapters of a fieldbook - while the whole book might go for normal online price ?10-15 dollars) - chapters might be bunched in threes at about 3 dollars ? does that even work on your side?

I could for example send you 6 chapters (2 choices each of alpha beta gamma) and you could see if 3 suited a trial experiment

what I am trying to do is update a last version of a a genre 2025report dad and I co-authored as a book from 1984-1994 in different languages - 
1985 was half time in the inter-generational 80 year neumann expected digital good versus bad would play out;  

Dad's biography of von Neumann  was in some senses a retrospective of the von Neumann and and Einstein's Princeton 1951 briefing of my father that my 2025 Orwell's endgame would be unstoppable or something entirely better was possible if the NETs legacy turned out well (that's Neumann Einstein Turing) 2025 report's  retrospective review by viscount Matt Ridley when dad died (above bookmark)
In this book, the digital timeline scenario of web1-3 was my input as i had worked with computers for 13 yeras by early 1980s after getting MA Stats at Cambridge maths lab DAMTP


If we curate a benchmark pack of cards either 50 or 100 Intelligence nominations - of course the game permits people to shuffle in or out their nominations depending whats most urgent regionally or by discipline

I believe this is the way to counter what i regard as bad journalism - we are at a tipping point - the way humans apply tech will cause extinction or support younger half being the first sd generation ;personaklsing AI as the culprit is likely to waste time that systemically i dont believe humans have yet. Moreover in the queens English artificial means man made when applied to engineering - in that sense the journalistic illiteracy today in the AI narrative is very dismal.

example from a chapter outline
4 of the most practical intelligences - Steve Jobs, Fazle Abed ,Jim Yong Kim, Antonio Guterres
What was each's unique to the word practice contributions? How did they relay the most urgent challenges of the last half century. which Guterres now faces (and so all united 8 billion beings as a deeper map than UNations) 
In what way do these 4 leaders match Neumann's final words : macroeconomists do not behave mathematically - they fail to make their hypotheses transparent; in that sense their system maps become the greatest exponential risk to good  intelligence in ways Keynes last chapter of general theory of Money Interest Employment echoed 

This  foursome mafic valuation of humans also rases a question - do you want to include eg Bezos Gates, Zuckenberg and Musk in your Architect Intelligence game pack. Ultimately only the younger half of the world , who will be the first sustainability or extinction generation, must influence that choice. Doubtless all 4 of BGZM have scaled technology in money-making world championship ways, But are those ways synced to the younger half being the sustainbility generation ; if not yet do any of these 4 leaders have a sceond half to play matching Fazle Abed's ? We have as a log of 30 cooperation the world bottom billions Asian mothers invite every  including west richard to join in if purposeful reality is their intent. Maybe communities where technology's richest engineers live can look and see if there is a billion girls platform that most needed generative AI 

One of the reasons why it is possible to issue quick chapters now is google's bard (see sample chats at  Curiously bard claims to see Shakespeare as its guide in translating common goods between the first 1000 languages of Large Language Modeling,   It also knows who's who at Stanford and googlebrain and deepmind-so its possible to fact check clues to gamma who's 2020s AIgood who while also usig another chat to double check we have not left out other ai expert epicentres

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