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jene maery

Nov 8, 2022, 2:19:28 PM11/8/22
to best for stufenst
m.” Revelation 11:7 MEV “Those from every people and tribe and tongue and nation will see their dead bodies for three and a half days, and will not allow their dead bodies to be put in graves.” Revelation 11:9 MEV (OBS: People all over the world will be able to see, this could only happen in the age of technology.) “But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” Daniel 12:4 MEV (OBS: In the last days, many people travel to many places and knowledge is increased.)

jene maery

Nov 16, 2022, 1:51:48 PM11/16/22
to best for stufenst

countries and hence the so-called ballistic missiles landing in Japanese EEZ has no legal basis.

The big picture from the Pelosi’s visit and the subsequent ASEAN meeting at Phnom Penh is that US-China relations have taken a turn for the worse as Beijing has taken a serious affront to the House Speaker’s Taipei visit as it seriously undermines the Chinese sovereignty claims over Taiwan.

The relations between Japan and US have also sharpened as Tokyo has been drawn into the theatre by Chinese over the top military actions in Taiwan Straits post Pelosi’s visit. Given the proximity of Senkaku Islands with Taiwan, Japan will have to militarily arm itself as the Chinese wolf warrior mindset is for all to see in the Indo-Pacific.

Such is the clout of China in the region that South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol chose to stay away from physically shaking hands with Pelosi last Thursday despite being in Seoul. The official word was that the South Korean President was on vacation. The Japanese leadership which had no options but to meet Pelosi given its post-world war relations with the US got the stick from China.

The ASEAN countries were shaken out of their stupor and quietly blamed Pelosi for disturbing the status quo over Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific. All these so-called Tiger economies are simply reconciled to the military dominance of China in the Indo-Pacific and do not want the US to make life more difficult for them by challenging the clout of Communist Party of China.

India maintained its golden silence over Pelosi’s visit while maintaining its firm military stance against PLA in East Ladakh sector, its neighbors, except Bhutan, parroted the “One China” policy in a terrified response to the US move on Taiwan. This did not come as any surprise to New Delhi as Pakistan owes 21.9 billon USD to China and others are also deep into the debt trap of Beijing particularly Sri Lanka and Myanmar. In fact, the number of countries far and wide that parroted the “One China” policy shows the actual relationship between the Middle-Kingdom and its tributary states.

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