Recruiting assistance for SR's Chromebooks

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Dec 18, 2023, 11:32:15 AM12/18/23
to tom lopes, BerkeleyLUG, Peter Mui
Not necessarily for Thomas alone.

Thomas, besides the folks reading this here on the BerkeleyLUG mailing-list, perhaps you(Thomas), Peter M, and others can separately reach more persons via
_other_ online venues to recruit hands-on assistance and advice for making usable the Fixit-Sudoroom Chromebooks as well, yes?
(assuming of course you/Peter/other SRers haven't already done so for this very Tuesday's Hardware Hack Night and Fixit Clinic of 2023-12-19)

Sudo Room's Contact webpage alone displays several ways of carrying out recruitment announcements and discussion
for this and other projects, including
- its Discuss list
- its Twitter feed
- its IRC #sudoroom on
Besides these, doesn't Sudo Room at least also have a subscribable presence on Slack that you/Peter/other-SRers can
take advantage of for the project's recruitment purposes?

> The Chromebooks are not mine.  Well they are for anyone that wants one. 
> There are like 50+ at Sudoroom right now.  Peter got them from the Fremont school
> district as they were about to be e-wasted.  
> The Fixit-Sudoroom project is to make these usable even though the ChromeOS
> on them is EOL. 
> Specs: These are Intel cpu with 4GB ram but only 16GB storage (EMMC)  
> It is the 16GB that causes issue.  After installing software and updating the storage is
> full.  Some people just boot off USB or SDcard. 
> Looking for a distro that lives happily in 16GB and is Linux-noobie friendly. 
> I am well aware of the Tuesday hack night.  I am there most every week. 
> Thomas

>> On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 8:52 PM ace36 <> wrote:
> >>    On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 11:59 AM tom r lopes <> wrote:
> >>
> >>  Tomorrow at SudoRoom 11am to 2pm.
> >>  My probably agenda will be to work on the pole of Chromebooks. Bypassing the enterprise
> >>  enrollment and installing Linux. Not sure what distro to use as these are limited machines.
> >>  4gb ram but only 16gb storage. I've tried Lubuntu but it fills storage real quick.
> >>  Others have tried more minimal distros (AntiX?) and they have trouble with hardware drivers.  
> >>  Aaron, maybe you can take a look. Free Chromebook for you.
> >>  As always you are welcome to work on your own projects.
>> No "Free Chromebook" for this one, thanks! :-)
>> Thomas, just throwing this idea out there; How about both giving-away
>> the Chromebook +and+ getting help with the other Chromebooks at one of
>> Sudo Room's upcoming Tuesday Hardware Hacking Night?
>> SudoRoom IS still having these in conjunction with Peter Mui's Fixit Clinic, yes??
>> Cannot atttend Tue's HW event(s) myself, but maybe you(Thomas) and others reading this can?
>> Anyways, just an idea here....
>> ...

Thomas and Peter,
Best of success with your/SR's Chromebooks Project recruitment! :-)

Seasonal Cheers,

tom r lopes

Dec 18, 2023, 1:29:02 PM12/18/23
to ace36, BerkeleyLUG, Peter Mui
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