Change In Venue Time

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Sep 25, 2016, 10:25:44 PM9/25/16
to BerkeleyLUG
Okay folks, it's time for us to make a decision.

The time is ripe for us to decide on a new place for the BerkeleyLUG meetup *besides* Bobby G's, and to decide on this ASAP.


For those of you who still may not realize this, Bobby G's Pizzeria has been under new ownership since this past Winter. The new owners have kept things they way they were before under the restaurant's founder Bobby G -- well, *mostly* that way -- until they made some key renovations this Summer. Among the most significant renovations the owners made during the last couple of months that have significantly affected our BerkeleyLUG meetups were their adding more TV screens around the restuarant, adding more TV speakers all around the place routinely blaring televised sports, and making enough structural renovations to the place (e.g., raising the ceiling) so that the televised sports sounds heavily reverberate all around the place.

The key decision we must make is based upon our inability to actively participate in BerkeleyLUG discussion at Bobby G's given all the ambient noise and sound discordancy ("vibrations" as someone put it this afternoon.) At least one current BerkeleyLUG participant actually left the meetups *both* today and two weeks ago due to the level of noise preventing even simple conversation!
That is simply unacceptable.
And we received a clear indication this afternoon that Bobby G's management isn't liable to accommodate us by lowering the speakers volume on the televised sportsgames just for us, while other paying customers are cheering on their sports teams and enjoying their beers.

We would prefer to meet in a place 1) NUMERO UNO(!!!), that is *much* quieter than Bobby G's so we can actually talk and hear one another, 2) that is located in or near Downtown Berkeley so we can all easily get there , 3) that has good-to-great WiFi access, 4) that can physically accomodate a group of we participants (6ppl, 8ppl, 10ppl+ ??) along with our Linux and/or Android devices, and 5) that will provide or at least allow sufficient power outlets/extensions so that we can actually run and recharge our Linux and/or Android devices.


Follow-thru on Alternatives.
To that end, about a half-dozen of us went out and checked out a couple of places about a one-block radius around Bobby G's Pizzeria to see which might look like the best meetup alternative for now.

The first place we looked at was 85c Bakery at 21 Shattuck Square just across the street from Bobby G's. Its website is and its direct contact telephone number is 510.540.8585.
85c definitely fulfills preferences 1) thru 3), and its certainlly the most spacious -- as a whole -- among the pair of places we visited. Duhavamir approached the 85c Manager or Assistant Manager and verbally presented our case to try to RSVP a place for our Sunday meetups, and acquired the [Assistant] Manager's business contact card. Apparently, from Duhavamir's efforts, Michael P is one of the key point contacts for this possibility.
Thru 85c Bakery's contact info page , the RSVP possibility might involve contacting its headquarters in SoCals's Orange County:
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 05:00 PM
mailto: customerservice at 85cbakerycafe dot

My own RSVP preferences for 85c Bakery are threefold:
A. that 85c could indeed physically accommodate a group of we participants at one seating all-together; maybe by putting up a big table or putting together several smaller ones for seating 8 or more people
B. that the 85c staff could actually at least allow sufficient power outlets/extensions so that we can actually run and recharge our Linux and/or Android device
C that preferably *nobody* has to pay an out-of-pocket fee (e.g., Duhavamir, Michael P or others) for making successful reservations for BerkeleyLUG meetups at 85c

The second place all six or so of us visited was the nearby Berkeley Coffee Company at 61 Shattuck Square, see .
The Berkeley Coffee Company definitely fulfilled above preferences 1), 2), and 5) . AAMOF, right behind each of the two dozen or so tables were *at least* two power outlets, so if anything, there would be more than sufficient power outlets for our various Linux/Android devices. Also, the place had a definite low-key vibe with gentle background music playing. Berkeley Coffee Company's most serious drawbacks, however, are its apparent physical inability to accommodate participants all-together as a group +and+ its questionably-flaky WiFi when in high-demand.


I think that the consensus people reached when I departed, was that we'll be meeting at 85c Bakery for the next BerkeleyLUG meetup on October 9th.

If Michael P, Duhavamir R, Tom L, Alan T, Bill L, Earl M, Ilsa B, Karen, David, or really anyone else wishes to respond with any corrections, suggestions opinions/feedback, or other ideas here, then by all means please do pipe right in!


Rick Moen

Sep 26, 2016, 1:17:29 AM9/26/16
to BerkeleyLUG
Quoting goossbears (

> Among the most significant renovations the owners made during the
> last couple of months that have significantly affected our BerkeleyLUG
> meetups were their adding more TV screens around the restuarant, adding
> more TV speakers all around the place routinely blaring televised sports,
> and making enough structural renovations to the place (e.g., raising the
> ceiling) so that the televised sports sounds heavily reverberate all around
> the place.

Aw, man, that _so_ majorly sucks -- and I've seen it happen to LUGs
before, e.g., a LUG in Santa Cruz kept needing to give up on otherwise
attractive venues because management would not reduce the imported (TV or
music) noise level _anywhere_ on the premises sufficient for reasonable
conversation. (And then a couple more places where that wasn't yet the
case started doing karaoke.)

The rationale for 85c Bakery seems impeccable.

I assume Au Coquelet Cafe, 2000 University Avenue
between Milvia and Shattuck, was considered and found wanting? It's
been a very long time since I checked the place, but it's where Berkeley
Unix User Group met (and possibly still does).

(Above is not a recommendation, exactly, just throwing out a place a
group has used.)

Cheers, Harahefet sh'eli mele'ah betzlofahim.
Rick Moen
McQ! (4x80)

Michael Paoli

Sep 27, 2016, 1:09:16 AM9/27/16
to BerkeleyLUG
Okay, it's official now:
BerkeleyLUG venue change: Bobby G's Pizzeria --> 85C Bakery Cafe, 21
Shattuck Square, Berkeley, CA 94704, 1-510-540-8585

But yeah, Bobby G's has slowly morphed from a generally comfortable space with
ample room, to a place that's often way too darn loud and crowded - just not
particularly suitable anymore.

Question was also asked about Au Coquelet Cafe - suitable for smaller sized
group (e.g. BUUG), but not a very good fit for BerkeleyLUG. E.g. this past
Sunday, BerkeleyLUG had 9 folks (fairly typical), and BerkeleyLUG
meetings are 3 hours.
At Au Coquelet Cafe there's (technically) a 2 hour table limit.
Also, Au Coquelet Cafe is divided into 3 sections of approximately equal
size. Two of those three sections provide no public/patron access to
AC power, and the one section that provides AC power tends to be most
full/crowded, and generally not feasible to accommodate, e.g. a "crowd"/group
of 9 people ... at least not at a common table or tables arranged together.
So ... 3 or 4 people for <=2 hours with AC power at Au Coquelet Cafe is
feasible ... but if more people and AC power is needed, or more time is needed
it's effectively a no-go there.

So ... until we have reason to change again, it's now:
85C Bakery Cafe, 21 Shattuck Square, Berkeley, CA 94704, 1-510-540-8585

> From: goossbears <>
> Subject: Change In Venue Time
> Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2016 19:25:44 -0700 (PDT)

> Okay folks, it's time for us to make a decision.
> Decision.
> The time is ripe for us to decide on a new place for the BerkeleyLUG meetup
> **besides** Bobby G's, and to decide on this *ASAP*.
> ======
> Reason.
> For those of you who still may not realize this, Bobby G's Pizzeria has
> been under new ownership since this past Winter. The new owners have kept
> things they way they were before under the restaurant's founder Bobby G --
> well, *mostly* that way -- until they made some key renovations this
> Summer. Among the most significant renovations the owners made during the
> last couple of months that have significantly affected our BerkeleyLUG
> meetups were their adding more TV screens around the restuarant, adding
> more TV speakers all around the place routinely blaring televised sports,
> and making enough structural renovations to the place (e.g., raising the
> ceiling) so that the televised sports sounds heavily reverberate all around
> the place.
> The key decision we must make is based upon our inability to actively
> participate in BerkeleyLUG discussion at Bobby G's given all the ambient
> noise and sound discordancy ("vibrations" as someone put it this
> afternoon.) At least one current BerkeleyLUG participant actually left the
> meetups **both** today and two weeks ago due to the level of noise
> preventing even simple conversation!
> That is simply unacceptable.
> And we received a clear indication this afternoon that Bobby G's management
> isn't liable to accommodate us by lowering the speakers volume on the
> televised sportsgames just for us, while other paying customers are
> cheering on their sports teams and enjoying their beers.
> We would prefer to meet in a place 1) NUMERO UNO(!!!), that is **much**
> C that preferably **nobody** has to pay an out-of-pocket fee (e.g.,
> Duhavamir, Michael P or others) for making successful reservations for
> BerkeleyLUG meetups at 85c
> The second place all six or so of us visited was the nearby Berkeley Coffee
> Company at 61 Shattuck Square, see .
> The Berkeley Coffee Company definitely fulfilled above preferences 1), 2),
> and 5) . AAMOF, right behind each of the two dozen or so tables were *at
> least* two power outlets, so if anything, there would be more than
> sufficient power outlets for our various Linux/Android devices. Also, the
> place had a definite low-key vibe with gentle background music playing.
> Berkeley Coffee Company's most serious drawbacks, however, are its apparent
> physical inability to accommodate participants all-together as a group
> +and+ its questionably-flaky WiFi when in high-demand.
> ======
> I think that the consensus people reached when I departed, was that we'll
> be meeting at 85c Bakery for the next BerkeleyLUG meetup on October 9th.
> If Michael P, Duhavamir R, Tom L, Alan T, Bill L, Earl M, Ilsa B, Karen,
> David, or really anyone else wishes to respond with any corrections,
> suggestions opinions/feedback, or other ideas here, then by all means
> please do pipe right in!
> Cheers!
> -A
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups "BerkeleyLUG" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
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Sep 27, 2016, 8:40:53 AM9/27/16
Thank You ALL!
With respect and Gratitude, smile, ilsa

Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System

"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to every other person."
-John Coltrane

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Sep 27, 2016, 10:52:28 AM9/27/16
Thanks for the responses so far!

Quoting Rick Moen <>:
> Aw, man, that _so_ majorly sucks -- and I've seen it happen
> to LUGs before, e.g., a LUG in Santa Cruz kept needing to
> give up on otherwise attractive venues because management
> would not reduce the imported (TV or music) noise level
> _anywhere_ on the premises sufficient for reasonable
> conversation.  (And then a couple more places where that
> wasn't yet the case started doing karaoke.)

> The rationale for 85c Bakery seems impeccable.

Yep, unfortunately it really *was* getting that bad :-/
And a little nitpick was that simultaneous to the new Bobby
G's owners aforementioned renovations, they also "gently"
but not-so-subtly raised prices on the discounted 12-2
afternoon specials they kept stable for the last eight years.

IMHO as a non-nudgy suggestion, you (Rick M. here),
Michael P, and perhaps several others may wish to be
mindful of the incredibly useful essay _Recipe for a
Successful Linux User Group_,
I would think that item 3 "You need a regular meeting
location" may be *particularly* relevant to BerkeleyLUG's
tentative move to 85c Bakery.
As far as website-related items 11 onwards, please note
that the BerkeleyLUG website's 'Meetings' link was already changed
to display the new tentative location for the next meetup.

But please don't make your (Rick M's) changes to The
BALE site just quite yet!
While this new tentative location is certainly now
"Set on Webpage", I doubt that it's "Dead Set in Stone".
Other current BerkeleyLUG participants are following-thru
on alternate meetup places besides simply 85c Bakery.

For instance, one participant is actively following-thru on
checking out Extreme Pizza
as an alternate meetup location.
Extreme Pizza - Shattuck, Berkeley
2352 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: 510-486-0770
The SF-based Extreme Pizza Corporate Offices'

Quoting Rick Moen <>:
> I assume Au Coquelet Cafe, 2000 University Avenue
> between Milvia and Shattuck, was considered and
> found wanting?  It's been a very long time since I
> checked the place, but it's where Berkeley Unix User
> Group met (and possibly still does).

Michael P recently sent a mailing-list message
addressing exactly that; the lengthy subject title
'BerkeleyLUG venue change: Bobby G's Pizzeria --> 85C Bakery Cafe, 21 Shattuck Square, Berkeley, CA 94704, 1-510-540-8585'

FWIW, I much prefer the less ambiguous subject title
'BerkeleyLUG venue change' over
my 'Change In Venue Time'.
After all, the actual *Time* of the BerkeleyLUG meetups remains
the same :-)


Rick Moen

Sep 27, 2016, 2:18:59 PM9/27/16
Quoting ace36 (

> IMHO as a non-nudgy suggestion, you (Rick M. here),
> Michael P, and perhaps several others may wish to be
> mindful of the incredibly useful essay _Recipe for a
> Successful Linux User Group_,

Wow, that's a really good piece -- and I'll bet the author is dazzlingly
attractive, witty, and also charmingly modest. ;->

> For instance, one participant is actively following-thru on
> checking out Extreme Pizza
> as an alternate meetup location.
> Extreme Pizza - Shattuck, Berkeley
> 2352 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, CA 94704
> Phone: 510-486-0770
> The SF-based Extreme Pizza Corporate Offices'
> contact webpage is

Good idea to keep looking. The right sort of pizza joint might be the
best long-term match.

Rick Moen "If accuracy / Is what you crave / Then you should call it / Myanmar Shave."
McQ! (4x80) -- @FakeAPStylebook
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