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Pi.BerkeleyLUG: This Sunday Raspberry Pi meeting at SudoRoom

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tom r lopes

May 19, 2023, 12:24:36 AM5/19/23
to BerkeleyLUG
This Sunday 21 May 2023 from 11am to about 2pm at SudoRoom in Oakland.  

SudoRoom is on Shattuck Ave between 51st and Telegraph 
4799 Shattuck Ave., Oakland, CA 94609 
The entrance is on the corner of Shattuck and 48th 

The project this time is converting chromebooks to Linux.  
Peter Mui of Fixit Clinic was given a stack of EOL chromebooks from the 
Fremont school district.  Unfortunately they neglected to unlock them first.  
But I have found that the bios can be reflashed so you can boot a Linux 
installer bypassing the Google check.  
I had a thought of using a Pi to do the flash as PI gpio can do SPI.  But most of the 
chromebooks have 1.8V bios chips while the PI has 3.3V gpio.  
I probably have level shifters but I have recently dumped stuff unorganized into 
storage.  So I will likely not find them in time.  
For now I am using a USB programmer with an 1.8V adapter.  

Yes I will also try to be online at  This will be a conference room mic and speaker in a 
shared space so maybe some background noise.  


P.S.   You may be interested: SudoRoom has a hardware hack night every Tuesday from 7pm  
Also It's a Fixit Clinic.
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