How to edit the density of the new ID in gap library(F4)?

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Aug 22, 2020, 8:30:25 AM8/22/20
to Berkeley Lab WINDOW
 I creat a new ID, but I can't edit the density.
How to edit the density of the new ID in gap library?

Robin Mitchell

Aug 25, 2020, 7:47:45 PM8/25/20
to LI, Berkeley Lab WINDOW
Generally, the density of the gasses are not meant to be edited by the user. The density is based on other properties, so that if you change those, the density will change.

This is documented in the WINDOW Technical Documentation dated April 2018, which can be found on our WINDOW Documentation web page

Chapter Thermo-physical Properties of Gases shows the equations used to calculate the gas density in WINDOW.


On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 5:30 AM LI <> wrote:
 I creat a new ID, but I can't edit the density.
How to edit the density of the new ID in gap library?

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Robin Mitchell
Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
Energy Technologies Area
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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