April 2 - May 12 schedule @ Several Dancer's Core in Decatur
http://www.awalim.com/directions-pop.asp -PLEASE print these
directions, it can be complicated to find the backdoor of Sev Dancers
www.awalim.com 404 581 0199BASIC TECHNIQUE7-8PM TUESDAYS Upstairs studio
6 wks April 7-May 12
$72 or $15 drop in
class is an introduction to basic technique for belly dance. The class
will include an introduction to rhythms, 48 basic movements,
transitioning between these moves, traveling, appropriate arm
positions, working with music and warm ups and cool downs. These moves
are solid basics for any bellydance style- Tribal, Egyptian, Turkish,
ATS (American Tribal Style) BELLY DANCE7-8pm THURSDAYS Downstairs studio
6 wks April 2-May 7
$72 or $15 drop in
Choreography in the Fat Chance format with an Awalim flair. This is the
class that will give you the base that all Tribal dancers use. Working
as a group will be emphasized. At least one session of Basic Technique
required. Bring zills/finger cymbals
TRIBAL BOOT CAMP: Drills & Zills!8-9:30PM THURSDAYS Downstairs studio
5 wks April 9-May 7
$85 or $20 drop in
class is focused on drills to increase technique and stamina. This
class is open to any and all whether they have completed any of my
prior classes but it is not for a complete beginner. The class
structure will be a high energy warm up with zills, layered traveling
drills for the entire class, and a cool down with yoga and floorwork at
the end. Zills required and shoes highly recommended.
10% discount for any multiple classes Registration takes places
30 min. before class begins. Cash, checks made out to Lisa McKinney or
PayPal ahead of time to zi...@awalim.com.