Zoom meetings: Constructive Electromagnetic Quantum Theory

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anton vrba

Sep 18, 2023, 10:50:35 AM9/18/23
to Models of particles, nature of time, bell_quantum...@googlegroups.com

Subject: Developing a Constructive Electromagnetic Quantum Theory

Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96840017324?pwd=S1doazlVd0owVGtzTG9hTVN6UUtzdz09
When: Saturday September 23, starting at 3PM (London Time)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am announcing a series of presentations, workshops/seminars with the common theme  “Developing a Constructive Electromagnetic Quantum Theory” The first presentation will be held on Saturday, September 23, starting at 3PM (London Time).  My approach is a purely mathematical in developing a theory that describes electromagnetic solitons that successfully describes particles among many other things:

The theory allows the formulation of algorithmic nucleon packing with precise laws that describe a nucleon onion shell model, that correctly determines the atomic mass number for all elements and their isotopes.  It also explains why iron and nickel are the most tightly bound elements.

Anton Vrba

PS.  Paper and slides will be posted later this week, I will notify you then

PPS. The Bell group is included as entanglement will be discussed in a later presentation


Sep 23, 2023, 5:34:20 AM9/23/23
to Bell inequalities and quantum foundations


Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96840017324?pwd=S1doazlVd0owVGtzTG9hTVN6UUtzdz09
Short Zoom Link: https://qlnk.me/hnp
Meeting ID: 968 4001 7324    Password:  391832

When: Saturday September 23, starting at 3PM (London Time)

Hello ,

A quick reminder of todays meeting, the first of a series in “Developing a Constructive Electromagnetic Quantum Theory” 

The paper is uploaded and you can download it here: https://neophysics.org/p/1882 There are two download links, a print version and a mobile viewing version.

Today's discussion is on Sections 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8 as well as Appendix A and C

Anton Vrba


Sep 23, 2023, 7:03:10 AM9/23/23
to antonvrba, Bell inequalities and quantum foundations

Could you please send a link to Dr. Abá Israel Cohen Persiano at “ persia...@gmail.com “?

Geraldo A. Barbosa, PhD
KeyBITS Encryption Technologies LLC
1540 Moorings Drive #2B, Reston VA 20190
E-Mail: GeraldoABarbosa@keybits.tech 
Cellphone: 1-443-891-7138 (US) - with WhatsApp

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