multi page jasper reports

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Dieter D'haeyere

Apr 7, 2009, 8:43:31 AM4/7/09
to BeJUG
I am looking for a way to generate invoices using jasper reports (or a
reliable java alternative).
I have some knowledge of jasper reports so at this moment I have a
suitable solution in case I only need invoices of one page.

Trouble starts when the invoice gets bigger.
I need a summary (total costs, transport type, vat, ...) at the end of
the invoice, I need a header on every page (which is no problem) and I
need a neat way to show the the invoice lines.

Troubles are:
- I would like a subtotal on the first page (different than summary at
the end of the invoice)
- My summary takes quite some space. So when I need two pages, it
could well be that all invoice lines fit on the first page (since the
summary is left out at the first page). In this case I'd rather limit
the number of lines on the first page and show some on the second page
too (the white space under the subtotal wouldn't bother me that much).
- On the second page the summary overlaps with the header :s

I am using the jasperreports API (reason : before I used ireports but
I couldn't find a way to inherit eg styles from a main report).

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