Immediate Opportunity: Call for Translator

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Carissa Wong

Aug 5, 2015, 11:56:14 AM8/5/15
to Beijing Ultimate, Beijing Big Brother
Hi All,

I am an ex-beijing ultimater, who just left Shanghai earlier this year for Canada (playing Nat's in Winnipeg this month - look me up if you're there too!). 

I am wondering whether you or anyone you know would be interested in translating 2-4 academic law articles from simplified Chinese to English?  They are needed for a book chapter with Cambridge University Press on children's rights, sustainable development and ethnic minorities. 

I am looking for a scholar(s) with legal education and working-level fluency in both languages who can do the translations in a Word document before August 31 (roughly 10,000 characters each).  You do not need to be a professional translator.  I would be able to pay a modest translation fee per character, and the research translator would get full credit in a chapter. 

If you are interested, please send me your resume and a few words on why you'd like to do this. 

Thank you so much for your interest and happy frisbee-ing!

All the best,

Centre for International Sustainable Development Law

James Kirchhoff

Aug 5, 2015, 2:48:26 PM8/5/15
to Carissa Wong, Beijing Ultimate, Beijing Big Brother
Hi Carissa,

I have someone in mind who might be able to tackle this, but would you be able to provide one of the articles, or a portion thereof, as a sample to gauge the workload involved and the level of specialized language? 



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