Book Talk and Going Away Party

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Apr 1, 2015, 5:40:28 AM4/1/15

Remember back in 2000 when I said I was only planning to be in China for a year. Man, that was a long time ago. But that year is finally up, and I am moving to Portland.

But before I go, the Bookworm has been kind enough to host a book event for Quitting The Grave. I'll be introducing the book, discussing why I self-published it, and talking about my Kickstarter campaign. Amy Daml of CRI fame will be moderating.

Book Talk--Quitting The Grave    7:30 PM
The Bookworm       50 rmb (40 for members)

Watch the Teaser Trailer for Quitting The Grave.

I'd really appreciate the support and would love to see you all there.

Afterwards, I'll be having my going away part on the Bookworm rooftop. This may be the last time you ever see me. Or maybe I will move back in 6 months. Who knows?

I hope to see everyone there!

That is all,

Eugene, Oregon. October, 1999. After three graves robberies--in each instance, the abducted corpse was a John Doe--the police have few leads and little interest in the case. Caya Blumenshine, a reporter for the local newspaper, canvasses Eugene, questioning anarchists, wyccans, and politicians, until her search hits upon a secluded house on the outskirts of the city. Its owner, Alexander Hilyard, a history-writing hermit who hasn't been seen in years, may be involved in the grave robberies, or may have been the most recent victim.

Fort Vancouver, the 1830’s. A trading outpost on the Columbia river is charged with harvesting as many furs as possible for the Hudson Bay Company, while at the same time discouraging American pioneers from settling in the region. Dr. McLoughlin, the chief factor, and his three adopted sons find the undertaking challenged by the arrival of Jason Lee and his Methodist missionaries. A blood feud begins that will shape the course of Oregon history for the next two centuries.

Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1846. After the murder of her father, Helen Hunsaker wants nothing more than to escape the strictures of a society that views women as second-class citizens. She sets out on the Oregon Trail hoping to find a measure of freedom not afforded to her by her family circumstances or gender. Unfortunately, a spurned suitor chases after her and will apparently stop at nothing to win her hand in marriage.

Three stories that span more than 150 years of American history, united by a shocking mystery. How far will those responsible go to keep their secrets buried?


Hey guess what! My novel, Quitting The Grave, is now available for purchase.

Watch the Teaser Trailer for Quitting The Grave.

You can buy my first book here: Ahab's Adventures In Wonderland.

Follow me on Twitter

I prefer not to think of all the misery but of all the beauty that still remains.

             -Anne Frank
Bookworm Talk Poster copy.jpg


Apr 1, 2015, 8:12:31 AM4/1/15
to doc
sorry to send a second message to everyone, but just to clarify, the date is april 15th. check out the attached poster for more details.


Hey guess what! My novel, Quitting The Grave, is now available for purchase. Buy the enhanced version for the iPad here.

Watch the Teaser Trailer for Quitting The Grave.

You can buy my first book here: Ahab's Adventures In Wonderland.

Follow me on Twitter

I prefer not to think of all the misery but of all the beauty that still remains.

             -Anne Frank

Anthony Tao

Apr 8, 2015, 11:28:10 PM4/8/15
to Beijing Big Brother, Beijing Ultimate, Jason Cox
Frisbee folks,

It's not often we get the chance to celebrate the life of a pioneer. In addition to packing more than a decade of China under his belt (do quilts have belts?), Doc is a pioneer in the truest sense, one of the original founders and captains of Big Brother and among the earliest flatball players in Beijing. He's also the brainchild of some of Big Brother's best party costumes, including Chinese Olympic Team, Cluedo, Monopoly, and The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

Doc's not much for baijiu-fueled goodbyes (Jason Cox, we're still looking at you), so opportunities to roast him are few and far between. This means that next Wednesday, April 15, at 7:30 pm, we should probably gather at Bookworm for his book talk. All Frisbee players get in for free in as long as they buy a drink. Trust me, you'll want a drink before heckling a book talk.

For now, let's look at pictures of Doc with his eyes closed:

Inline image 1

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Bookworm Talk Poster copy.jpg


Apr 9, 2015, 4:44:14 AM4/9/15
to Toni Tao, Beijing Big Brother, Beijing Ultimate, Jason Cox
now that i'm leaving i hope you'll remember a very important fact:

shanghai fucking sucks.

that is all,

ps. fuck shanghai


Hey guess what! My novel, Quitting The Grave, is now available for purchase. Buy the enhanced version for the iPad here.

Watch the Teaser Trailer for Quitting The Grave.

You can buy my first book here: Ahab's Adventures In Wonderland.

Follow me on Twitter

I prefer not to think of all the misery but of all the beauty that still remains.

             -Anne Frank
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jeff orcutt

Apr 9, 2015, 8:16:38 AM4/9/15
to The D.O.C., Tao, Beijing Ultimate, Beijing Big Brother, Jason Cox

Here, here! Seconded.


Zahlen Titcomb

Apr 9, 2015, 1:24:50 PM4/9/15
to jeff orcutt, The D.O.C., Tao, Beijing Ultimate, Beijing Big Brother, Jason Cox
Wow, doc leaving china? This is big. I guess I can try and make it... After all, doc did come to all 7 of my going away parties. 

See you guys next week! (Actually, yes, I'll be in town).


Ps. Also not a big fan of the shizzle. That place SUX. 

Sent from somewhere.

Here, here! Seconded.


<Doc is watching you.jpg>

<Chinese Olympic Team.jpg><Hong Kong.jpg>
<Monopoly at Shanghai.jpg>

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Apr 10, 2015, 1:14:34 AM4/10/15
to Zahlen Titcomb, jeff orcutt, Tao, Beijing Ultimate, Beijing Big Brother, Jason Cox
sweeet! excited to see you


Hey guess what! My novel, Quitting The Grave, is now available for purchase. Buy the enhanced version for the iPad here.

Watch the Teaser Trailer for Quitting The Grave.

You can buy my first book here: Ahab's Adventures In Wonderland.

Follow me on Twitter

I prefer not to think of all the misery but of all the beauty that still remains.

             -Anne Frank

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