December Pick-Up: Discount if you Bring A Friend!

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Alicia Lui

Nov 24, 2010, 11:53:12 PM11/24/10
to Beijing Big Brother, Beijing Ultimate
Hey Beijing Frisbee-ers!

We love people, so for the month of December we'll be launching a monthly special called Bring a Friend*, a great chance for you to introduce someone new to the game of Ultimate and get a little discount on the side -- 10 kuai off pickup for you AND your friend. Stipulations below.
我们希望飞盘能有更多的人气在寒冷的北京,所以我们准备在12月份开展一个“找朋友玩飞盘”的活动,这是一个很好的机会我们可以让更多人了解飞盘, 参与到这项活动中。而且,如果你带了一个新人来玩飞盘,我们会给你还有你的朋友10元的优惠。详情如下。

A reminder about our December pick-up schedule (six total sessions):

Wednesdays: Dec 1, 8, 15 from 7 - 9pm
Saturdays: Dec 4, 11, 18 from 2 - 4pm

All sessions will be held at BCIS. Venue details and directions will be sent out a few days before pick-up. As always, stay up to date with info at or ask to be included on our Google Groups listserv (site itself is blocked by Great Firewall).
我们现在所有的飞盘活动都在BCIS,详细地址和地图都会在活动前的两三天发出,你可以在任何时候登陆我们的网站, 或者让我们知道你希望加入到我们的Google Group.

*Friend = someone who has never been to pick-up with us in Beijing. Discount applies for as many times as you bring someone new out, BUT never more than once per session (so more power to you if you bring two friends each session, but we can only give you 10 kuai off each time; both your friends, however, can enjoy the 10-kuai discount).
*朋友=就是说带来一个从来没有参加过我们北京飞盘活动的人,你就可以得到10块的折扣。希望每次的pickup你都可以带一个你的朋友, 不过呢,你要是带了很多新朋友在同一天,你也只能有10块的折扣,但每个朋友能享受优惠。
Hope to see you and your friends out at frisbee!

jeff orcutt

Nov 25, 2010, 8:16:47 AM11/25/10
to, Beijing Big Brother, Beijing Ultimate
What if I send a friend there? Will you mail me 10 kuai? 

2010/11/24 Alicia Lui <>

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