Welcome to Beijing Google Developer Group (Beijing GDG) forum! We the developers in Beijing, China, who are interested in learning and using various Google technologies to build new products and services on Internet and on mobile platforms. This is an open and free community, and anyone can join. We aim to lean new Google technologies, Open Source, open standards, by helping each other, sharing our development experiences through many leaning events, to promote innovation, business start-up for Internet and mobile applications. Come join us for the opportunity to learn from each other in this community!
欢迎你来到北京谷歌开发者社区论坛!我们成立于2009年8月1日,是中国第一个成立的GDG社区。同时我们也是中国最大的GDG社区。北京GDG是来自北京及周边地区的开发者、技术发烧友等组成的,我们爱好学习和利用各种谷歌开发技术,去开发基于互联网和移动应用平台上的各种新产品和新型商业服务。 我们是一个开放和自由的社区,欢迎大家加入。我们的目标是通过举办各种互相帮助和分享的活动,交流开发心得和经验,学习各种谷歌开发技术、开源代码技术、公开标准技术等等,来推动互联网应用和移动应用的创新和创业。 欢迎你来加入我们这个社区!
Disclaimer: Beijing GDG is an independent group; our activities and the opinions expressed here should in no way be linked to Google, the corporation.
[ 相关链接:北京GDG Meetup | 北京GDG G+ | 北京GDG微博 | 北京GDG微信 | ChinaGDG ]