Webinars of Google Cloud Platform

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Jan 8, 2014, 12:00:06 AM1/8/14
to beijin...@googlegroups.com
Thank you so much to many of you who have given your feedback!  It has been really helpful for us to understand the areas that are important to you, and how we can support you better through this program.

Due to the sheer volume of the responses it is difficult for us to reply you individually, but we have collated your questions into this FAQ document attached.  

In addition, many of you are keen to attend webinars for these topics.  Here's a quick schedule of the webinars coming up.  If you are interested, please register here (https://docs.google.com/a/google.com/forms/d/15t5MM5tjWHI9jDltrFgXtZZXgD-XXhcOodXohtY7yBE/viewform)

Happy New Year and wishing you a great 2014 coming up!


Webinar Schedule:

10 Jan 2pm (Singapore time)
Compute Engine 101 : Getting Started  (For beginners)
In this webinar, we will cover the basis of compute engine. Concepts such
as virtual machines, networks, load balancing, persistent storage will be
discussed. We will demonstrate how to use the command-line, api and
the console to work with compute engine. 

10 Jan 4pm (Singapore time)
Best Practices Webinar for GCE and GAE
In this webinar we will look at best practices for using the 
App engine and Compute Engine. We will cover recommended architectural 
design patterns that leverage the google cloud platform. We will also
delve into how other services within the cloud platform such as 
cloud storage, cloud datastore , cloud sql can be leverage within 

17 Jan 11.30am (Singapore time)
App Engine 101 : Getting Started  (For beginners)
In this webinar, we will cover the basis of App engine. We will walkthrough
a simple hello world application development and deployment on App engine.
We will demonstrate using the eclipse plugin for google app engine and
discuss the basis of the data store, integrating with cloud sql and application
performance tuning.
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