How to recreate the beets database without modifying existing files

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Matthieu Talbot

Jul 24, 2019, 4:30:32 AM7/24/19
to beets
When I tried to use again beets, I re-imported the music folder inplace. This resulted in tons of copies of my music files to "normalize" and "asciify" things.

How can I revert the created files, and how could I have avoided this action to begin with ? :/
I am considering a search by created dates, and delete theses files, but then the beets database would be corrupted.


Adrian Sampson

Jul 24, 2019, 7:02:00 AM7/24/19
to beets
First, we always recommend making a backup of your music before doing anything—I assume you don’t have one of those to revert to?

Second, **after making a backup**, you might try doing `beet rm -d` to delete all the newly-imported duplicates, leaving you with the old files you used to have.

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Matthieu Talbot

Jul 29, 2019, 7:10:25 AM7/29/19
Hello Adrian,

Thanks for the instruction. So it seems like the duplicates (7k+) have been removed. I will keep the backup around so I can restore things if I notice something went wrong along the way.
Now the beet database seems empty (’beet ls daft punk’ yields no result)
How do I import the existing files without duplicating them ?


Adrian Sampson

Jul 29, 2019, 8:13:36 AM7/29/19
to beets
Great! Now might be a great time to re-read the autotagging guide in the docs, which answers this question and more. You will want to pay attention to the flags that control copying (-C) and possibly the “no autotagging” flag that lets you just trust the current metadata (-A).

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Matthieu Talbot

Jul 30, 2019, 8:01:49 AM7/30/19
According to the doc, I modified my local setting to "import:copy:no" and "import:write:no", and used the "-A" flag to trust imported tags. After that, I tried to load some playlists and... unfortunately, something went wrong. I verified and in fact, lots of files are missing.

So I restored my music folder backup (thanks for insisting on backup there), delete the duplicates with "dupeguru" (oldest file is reference), did the "import:copy:no + import:write:no + -A" method again and now I think that now I have all my files. =)

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