Other forms of Pidyon Nefesh other than Rashash

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Rabbi Zwecker רב צווקר

Jun 19, 2024, 4:51:21 PM (14 days ago) Jun 19
to beermayimchaim
just sharing
Someone asked me to explain more about the other forms nuschos of Pidyon Nefesh other than the well known one from the Rashash

1 Pidyon ReishLamedBeis - 232 - Cited by Rav Binayahu Shmueli Rosh Yeshivas Nahar Shalom in his Siddur Rechovos HaNahar from a handwritten manuscript uses 4 Divine Names Asmab whose added gematria equals 232
2 Pidyon Ramban based on the gematria of the person's name who needs the yeshuah
You count out the number of coins equal to the name of the person and recite a tefilah for each letter of his name. If his name is for example Yaakov then you count -10 coins for Yud of Yaakov, say the tefillah and then 70 coins for Ayin, a tefilah then 100 coins for Kuf, amd a tefilah and then 2 coins for Beis, then there is a tefilah for when the coins are given to tzedakah (from sefer Siach Yitzchok & Sefer Shem Tov Katan) ספר שם טוב קטן (עמוד סד) הביא בשם הרמב"ן ז"ל (לפני כ-1000 שנה) את אופן הפדיון לפי מספר הגימטריא של שם החולה, וסדר זה הובא גם בספר שיח יצחק לרבי יצחק אלפייא ז"ל
3 Pidyon Eliyahu HaNavi - from Sefer Shaarei Rachamim that this is good to perform for an entire town or city as well, especially for disasters and calamity, especially Erev Rosh Chodesh, First Recite Tehillim Chapter 102 and Chapter 20 x 12 twelve times. Each time a coin of pidyon is given, Then seven times of pesukim for shemirah and protection are said backwards and forwards and coins are given as pidyon. Then tehillim are said in the letters of the name of the person from Tehillim and Kara Satan and Satan from Tehilim intertwined with Shem Hashem and afterwards pesukim of Tehilim that spell Hashem's Names EH"YH YH"VH and ADN"Y
4 Pidyon Chida (Sefer Avodas HaKodesh) very similar to Pidyon Rashash in its known form based on using 160 silver coins whose gematria is tzelem and kesef= gematria 160 and silver is known as chessed, however the main difference is that the formation of the Divine Names is counted in your mind for the first 3 Shemos not out loud and only the fourth Shem is out loud and only then the coins are mixed together, and then the 5th Shem is counted and mixed, unlike Rashash where no discussion of counting out loud is ever made and the coins are mixed in different combinations six times
5 Pidyon Rebbe Nachman of Breslov - Based on Likkutei Moharan Torah KufPei and Liikutei Tefilos Vol 1 Tefillah 123
Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim Publishing
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
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