Ohr haChaim and 2 new pidyon from the Ben Ish Chai Tefillim Gemach

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Rabbi Zwecker רב צווקר

Jul 18, 2024, 9:54:55 PM (4 days ago) Jul 18
to beermayimchaim
This Motzaei Shabbos is the Yahrzeit of the Ohr haChaim, whoever wants to send a kvitel and sponsor and / or receive Divrei Torah from the Ohr haChaim please email me.

What's New?
I have studied and learned 2 new pidyon procedures from Rav Yosef Chaim - the Ben Ish Chai.
Specifically for the eyes a tikkun for pegam eynaim as well as physical ailments related to the eyes and eyesight
The pegam aynim for men and women use different amounts of coins 
You recite vidui and confess and say tehillim pesukim and then donate tzedaka and 
For Men the procedure is to count out 130 silver coins gematria Ayin plus 58 coins for the Divine Shem Che"n that's a shem Yud kei vav kei made of the milui for all 4 shemos of Hashem, its 188 coins, twice. one for each eye and then you donate the value.
Then you rearrange the coins based on a tefilah then you donate a bottle of olive oil for Rabbi Meir ba'al haNeis and then study mishnayos by the bright light of the moon followed by recitation of  Zohar called pasach Eliyahu and Kaddish 
for Women it's an additional 402 coins x 2 times two! to spell Bas Ayin, one for each eye.

The second is called Kal vaChomer and involves studying selections of Torah on Kal vaChomer and reciting tefilos by the opening of the Ark and dripping drops of water - Chassadim that the person later drinks its also specifically for eyes a tikkun for pegam eynaim as well as physical ailments.

I also started a project a Tefillin Gemach for avrechim who want to wear the kabbalah tefillin of Shimusha rabba and Ra'avad.

Have a great Shabbos 

Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim Publishing
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
in Israel: 972-58-322-1218 (sorry no sms)
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