Net Tonight | Survey Results & Proposed Changes for 2021

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Webmaster BeCERTAINN

Feb 2, 2021, 6:08:48 PM2/2/21
to Geoff Lomax

February Net: Tonight 19:30


A new antenna has been installed on the repeater. Initial testing suggests that this antenna allows for improved reception into the repeater from locations that were challenged in the past. The aim is to get all Berkeley participants clear communication to the repeater. Listen tonight to see if you can hear the difference.


Thank you all for responding to the member survey. The results (N=31) are very informative. As you can see below, there is strong interest in an exercise and about a third of the members are interested in a Net more often than once a month. 

Based on the interest of the group we 

  1. will plan on a spring exercise (late March or early April) and 

  2. starting in February try running the net twice monthly. The proposed net format would be the first and last Tuesday of the month.

Before making a firm commitment, feedback is welcome. Comments will be solicited tonight after the net or by email. In addition, it would be helpful to know:

  • Are there any particularly bad dates in mid-March or early April that should be avoided for the exercise. We typically have done exercises on weekend mornings.

  • Are there any specific activities you would like to be included in an exercise. In the past, we have simulated resource sharing and passing situation awareness reports.

  • Would you like to be involved in a planning group which would involve 1-2 Zoom meetings and some email followup.


The best way to deal with emergencies is to train and practice beforehand, so that response becomes automatic.

Please use our google group for all discussions on the BeCERTAINN project.
For more information visit the BeCERTAINN Group or email:
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