Sorry for an incomprehensible problem description.
Basically I have some questions regarding the configuration of the servers and execution the experiments.
Three servers are available: one for web (, one for scheduler (, and one for worker (
The cache and prefix directories are shared amongst the servers.
For the web-server I have installed the beat-web and for the scheduler-server the beat.core module.
Firstly, I have started the web service with ./bin/django runserver
How can I make connection to the scheduler and worker-servers?
I have tried to start them with ./bin/scheduler -vv and ./bin/worker -vv, but unfortunately without success.
I am afraid I missed somehow the point. What are the valid commands to connect the 3 entities?
I would be very greatful if you could give me some advice.
вторник, 18 сентября 2018 г., 14:18:45 UTC+2 пользователь SG написал: