Hello, i want to report a bug and ask few questions.
I'm using beat.editor to set up my experiment. Some time during making changes of toolchain they aren't well saved to json file, for exemple:
I deleted the connection betwen two blocs, it was successfuly deleted from list of the connections, but it rest in the dictionary of the connections in the end of file. There is a same problem with changing names of input output fields. In this case web server show that tollchain and experiment is valid, but attempt of starting experiment with beat exp run returns an error. Manual modification of json file resolve this problem.
Also i have a question. I'm trying to run an NN training experiment on your platform. My data preparetion block should return me batches for training. In the training block i want to save all batches and then run few epochs of training using the batches in the random order.
In your iris exemple you save all data to dictionary and then use it to train the model. In my case i can't do the same, because of big amaunt of training data, so i find out another solution: i want to save batches on the disc and keep in memory only the links on the batches. Then i figured that all data wich send between blocs saved in cache so it should be possibility use it. I didn't find out solution here:
https://www.idiap.ch/software/beat/docs/beat/docs/master/beat.web/doc/user/algorithms/guide.htmlFor my task i need to create All-to-one synchronisation. Is there a possibility to do this?