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Beanienews February 20th to 23rd, 2006

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Feb 23, 2006, 5:30:17 PM2/23/06
to Beanie Babies
Here is one of those rarely published newsletters! Be sure to go to the
Breaking News page at where you will
find all of the links associated with this newsletter!
All the best!

Get My Collection Software for your Collection!
2 free months with a one year subscription!!
New! My Collection for Any Kind of Collection!

Breaking News in * 2005... * 2004... * 2003... * 2002... * Ty News 2000
to Present!


My Collection Order Tracking - E-mail Facts

ATTN: LPetenbr. please click the link above.


2-23-2006 THURSDAY

The Tystore has a new beanie dog named Punchline!

Punchline seems to be celebrating Mardi Gras!

Ty Cyberboard Comments:


bneebob says that "Punchline, the new Ty Store exclusive for April
Fool's Day has a birthdate of April 1, 2006."

mooseybean says "Punchline is Tiny Dressed as a court jester???"

"Is this cute puppy a cartoon character or is it Tiny disguised as a
court jester?"

Fun and Laughter!

A Most Beanies Contest?

The Ty Cyberboard had a posting this morning from a man who said that
he and his son had every beanie made stuffed away in a safe deposit
box, unknown to his wife. He mentioned a Ty contest to see who had the
most beanies.

I replied to the "Real Men Collect Beanies" post saying that the safe
deposit box must be the size of a small storage room and asked him to
tell more about the contest. Later today, Lisa at Planet Beans included
the post in her newsletter.. only one thing, the post from beantalker
had dissappeared!

A follow up newsletter was issued by Planet Beans about the
dissappearing post. Barbara wrote: "WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN?! "Hi Lisa,
Just reading your newsletter about Real Men Collect Beanies...LOL, that
thread has been removed. I can't understand the mods on the Ty
site..they allow posts to be posted and poof the posts are gone." believes that it was the mention of a contest, is the
reason why the post was removed! As they say, Tyme will tell!

Lisa at Planetbeans noted that there might be favorability on the
moderators part toward certain posters or web sites. This is very
likely. The rules do not allow you to post a website yet even though my
posts that mention web sites are censored, so many others are obviously
posted. Messages on the board appear, then dissappear and are often

For an example, the thread that talked about Fun and Smiley not being
New York Exclusive Beanies but being New York Exclusive Key Clips given
to retailers at the show was edited after the second day. Posts were
removed from in between others and a favored few were left intact. The
same editing occurred with two posts from thebutlerisback. Sections
were removed and posts from days apart were combined as if they were
one. The Ty moderators censor many messages, delete others and adjust
postings to appear differently than they were submitted. Favored
websites are blatently posted while if I mention that an answer to a
question can be found on this site, the post is deleted and a reprimand
is sent.

Beanie Babies in the News...

A Beanie Baby Tiger traveled the world for 7 years!
In 1998, "Paws" left America. "Back in 1998, the Tiger Cubs Pack 197
were talking geography. Beanie Babies were front-page news. And the
Internet had taken off." "The stuffed animal visited Antarctica, New
Zealand, Singapore, Australia and the United Kingdom before its return
in December (2005). While away, he remained in the care of troops that
agreed to host him."
Click here for the whole story!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cowley County
Occasionally, they (Sarah Bryant and her "little sister') would
exchange little gifts with each other. Nothing big, but just small
tokens of their affection for one another. For Sarah, it was one of
these gifts that showed her just how important her role as Big Sister
really was.

"She had given me a little Ty beanie bear," Bryant said. "She told me
that the bear was named Hope."

"Sarah's emotion showed through as she explained the significance of
the bear.

"She said, 'I wanted to give this to you because it is named Hope, and
that is what you give me, hope,' " Bryant said.

A Shirland Kindergarten class celebrated the 100th day of school by
"collecting school supplies, Beanie Babies and hard candy... So far,
they've filled 60 bags with school supplies, 85 bags of hard candy
and collected 179 Beanie Babies. Their goal is to fill 100 bags and
collect 200 Beanie Babies." The whole school got involved!

When Jack Arnold, (the organizer of a School Partnership Program in Abu
Ghraib for Iraqi children) "and his battalion receive the packages,
they will distribute them to Iraqi schools"!

The Decatur police caught a couple of Beanie Baby thieves on Valentines
Day in Tennessee... "Each of them allegedly stole a Hallmark card and a
Beanie Baby".

Last Thursday, at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Union County's 4th Annual
Father-Daughter Dance in Plainfield, NJ, "Every father received a
boutonniere, every daughter a Beanie Baby toy of her choice and a pink
corsage"! more...


2-22-2006 WEDNESDAY

Ty Cyberboard News:

Fun & Smiley or Fun & Laughter?????
I know everyone is saying that the names are Fun and Smiley, but I saw
a retailers order and it says on their order (on their Ty retailer
account) that the names are Fun & Laughter. Guess we'll see when they
actually come out!!

There are Black Nosed and Brown Nosed MC Beanie Buddies according to a
report from Lisa at Planetbeans!

"Laura writes: "Hi Lisa, I just received my MC buddies-did anyone
mention the noses? I recieved both a brown nose and a black nose-I know
with the beanies the brown nose was rare! I know I was lucky enough to
get a brown nose beanie signed by Ty-but none of these are signed!...
Here are the pics-Laura" "


2-21-2006 TUESDAY

Sasha Cohen is an Olympic Skater on the American Team who shot into
first place by 3/100ths of a second today! Sasha, whose parents
emigrated from the Ukraine after it opened up, was born in California.
One of her hobbies is "collecting Beanie Babies"! Click here to read

Beanie Baby Lingo
It's easy to assume that everyone else knows what you're talking about.
Beanie Baby message boards, auctions and sale sites are filled with
terminology that everyone assumes everyone familiar with beanies knows.
This is not however neccesarily so!

ur all gunna fink i'm daft but plz answer my Q's
right then where 2 start LoL. what is a hang tag? and a plush tag?
what's a 2nd/3rd generation tag? i totally dont know and alot of peeps
talk bout them sayin how great they r. i dont have a clue wot ur on
about LoL plz answer my Q's thanx xxxx

Here are some helpful links!

"Beanieology is the study of Ty Beanie Babies® and the terminology
that surrounds them"


Extra Facts!
Beanie collectors sometimes use certain terms, when talking about
Beanies. Here is what these terms mean: MIP: Mint in plastic MWBMT:
Mint condition Beanie baby with both mint tags. MWMT: Mint condition
Beanie baby with mint tags. MWCT: Mint condition Beanie Baby with
creased tag. MWM3T: Mint condition Beanie Baby with 3 mint tags (Tush,
swing, and Canadian tush tag).

Heart Tags

Good Trader Rules

The 5 links above and the BeanieNews Beanie Lingo Dictionary links
below should cover most if not all of the Beanie Baby Terms. On the Ty
Cyberboard, people refer to d/t. A d/t or d/t's refers to a Daily
Timer, a person or persons who frequent the Ty Talk Daily Tymes Page,
the main Message Board!

The BeanieNews Beanie Lingo Dictionary is under construction!

*A*B*C* D*E*F* G*H*I* J*K*L* M*
*N*O* P*Q*R* S*T* U*V* W*X* Y*Z*

by Barry Stein

"Most counterfeit Beanie Babies are easy to spot if you know what to
look for. If you don`t know what to look for then you will probably
have a hard time telling most counterfeit Beanie Babies from authentic
Ty Beanie Babies."

Click any of these links to read more!

1. Click here or 2. Click here or 3. Click here

Unfortunately, ($609.11 US) TY Harrods exclusive Jumbo Stardust
introduced in November 2003 did not sell today on Ebay.


Here is some great advice from Ms. Janie's Message Board! Ever wondered
what to do with those scamming emails?

A warning about a possible scam
My husband got an email from someone on whose item he supposedly bid on
ebay. They wanted him to pay the bid. It was one of those that come
right from ebay? I haven't dealt with anyone on ebay recently but I
understand they do things differently now.

Anyway, he knew he hadn't bid on anything recently so we went to check
the item number. It still had 18 hrs plus before the auction was over.
The auction was a Dell monitor and definitely something he would not
have bid on.

He decided to "reply" to the email and a page came up asking for
personal info.

This is the third one he's gotten. The first he just deleted, but after
the second one came he contacted ebay and they advised him to change
his password, which he's done.
Mary Ann43

forward all such emails to: and they will follow up on
it. I have had 3 such offers (payment requests) and forwarded them all
to the spoof email. You will get a reply from ebay advising you to
delete. (same goes for paypal, I have had similar requests for updated
info from paypay..also is just: then delete em -


2-20-2006 MONDAY

Collectors have been asking for more Beanie Baby Birds and perhaps that
wish will be fulfilled! News from Ms. Janies Message Board's Sly The
Beanie Guy:

New Ty Trademark!! Sly The Beanie Guy
Hi everyone!!!
Happy Presidents day!!!
I discovered another new Ty Trademark this morning.
On February 10,2006 Ty applied to register a trademark on

"Love Birds"
Ty lists Plush toys,soft sculpture plush toys,stuffed toy animals as
the Goods and Services.
Even though Toy-fair has come and gone it looks like Ty still has some
surprises up his sleeve?
as always.....
Tyme will tell!!

Sly The Beanie Guy

I am still confused about Fun and Smiley! Are there or are there not
two different sets? Any help will sure be appreciated.

There are two kinds, key-clips exclusive to the show who really have no
names and pre-sales of full sized beanies. The picture of the key clips
is being used to sell both and the full sized are not exclusive.

There lies the confusion and purposeful or "accidental" deception, by
calling the full sized exclusive and using the picture of the key clips
which were exclusive to confuse the two different kinds.

Also keep in mind when you see the set available for under $10... they
will be for the retail sized Beanies and NOT the exclusive clips. When
in doubt.. ask! -Lisa
Planet Beans

Ty Cyberboard Controversy Continued:

Bneebob Were only retailers attending the NYC Show able to order the
It could be why some sellers are calling them NYC Show exclusives. In
the past when retailers were only able to order from shows, i think we
called them show exclusives...Discover, NY Bear, etc. However, now
there are key-clips that only show attendees got, so a clearer way
maybe needed to differentiate the two.
Love; Karen

Were Retailers Able........
Any retailer will be able to order the 20th Anniversary retail Fun and
Smiley Beanies. Retailers that attended the show were able to order
early so they may receive the shipments of these first. I asked a Ty
Rep if there were "show exclusives" and was told "NO". Only the keyclip
versions are "show exclusives" and the keyclips COULD NOT BE ORDERED.

Re:Bneebob Were only retailers attending the NYC Show able to order the
It seems that the same picture which looks like the key clips is being
used for both types of sales, key clip and full sized. That is what I
believe adds to the confusion.

The following two news links are to some really great beanie stories.
Click on each one to read the whole story!

THE DRIVE FOR LIFE: A series of health setbacks taught Dover Township's
R. Kim Ratto how to live for today
"I'd wake up, and there would be Beanie Babies all over me. My nephews
would put them with me," she says, smiling at the memory."

Blanket project aims to comfort children
"Since starting the effort in late 2001, she's delivered more than
16,000 blankets to area hospitals, shelters other social service
agencies. The group has also started collecting stuffed Beanie Babies

"For information on Project Linus, go online at,
e-mail or call (513) 604-2161."

North East EST TV viewers, on WB11 the movie with the exploding Beanie
Baby will be showing tonight at 8PM... "Agent Cody Banks".

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